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Hearts and Minds
American Dissident Voices broadcast of May 4, 2019 by Kevin Alfred Strom THE LIARS of the mass media can be beaten. The career of the late Leonard Dinnerstein, his acolytes, and their easily-disproved lies about Jewish sex killer…

On the Jeffish Question: Should the Bezosphere Be Nationalized?
Jeff Bezos by Rainer Chlodwig von K. “THE FIRST AMENDMENT to the Constitution of the United States of America – and American tradition – enshrines freedom of speech and freedom of the press,” begins Dr. Kevin Barrett in a recent commentary published in American Free Press: Nowhere is this more evident…

Christchurch and a Sense of Proportion
by Michael Walsh
and National Vanguard correspondents ON AN ALMOST daily basis and without making even the small print NATO-led military forces indiscriminately slaughter many more Muslims and Christians than died today in New Zealand. In fact, it is estimated that since 1945 these demonic NATO…
and National Vanguard correspondents ON AN ALMOST daily basis and without making even the small print NATO-led military forces indiscriminately slaughter many more Muslims and Christians than died today in New Zealand. In fact, it is estimated that since 1945 these demonic NATO…

China, US, Tech Giants Turning the Internet Into a Total Surveillance Gulag
By now [behavioral monitoring is] no longer restricted to individual companies or even to the Internet sector. It has spread across a wide range of products, services, and economic sectors, including insurance, retail, healthcare, finance, entertainment, education, transportation, and more,…

In Defence of National Socialism
by Fredrik Vejdeland THE ATTORNEY GENERAL wants it to be illegal to express oneself in a positive light with regards to National Socialism. The following is the closing argument of Fredrik Vejdeland, who spoke in his own defense, in favor of National Socialism before the Göta Court of Appeal on Friday,…

Orwell Alert — Sexual Bolshevism Takes Over U.K. Advertising
An important point to keep in mind regarding the story below is that apparently all of the major U.K. advertisers agreed to submit to the censorship imposed by the “Advertising Standards Authority”. Now why on earth would any company whose sole responsibility it is to sell products…

Twitter Expands Censorship; Gab Under Pressure
by Hadding Scott [The audio clip contains some raw language; it should not be played by or in the presence of children. — Ed.] YOU MAY RECALL THAT Dylann Roof’s utterly pointless shooting-spree in a Negro church spurred a holy crusade to abolish everything that would betoken a negative…

Google: Race-Based Censorship Through Search Engine Manipulation?
by Andrew Hamilton FOR A LONG TIME it has been difficult to find National Vanguard articles through Google searches that should instantly turn them up. For example, some of my own articles originally appeared on the Web site Counter-Currents and were subsequently reprinted here by National Vanguard…

Jewish Merchants of Sin and Porn, part 3: Roth v. United States
by Benjamin Garland NOTE: All parts of this series may be found here.
“If Roth were not the opportunistic, irascible, and sometimes megalomaniacal idealist he was, the early 1960s advances in freedom of expression would not have happened when they did.” — Jay Gertzman1
SAMUEL ROTH (Hebrew name…

Banned Documentary on Israel Lobby Finally Made Public
RUSSIAN TELEVISION network RT reports on Al Jazeera’s censored four-part investigation series on the Israel lobby in the US, which was leaked by the Electronic Intifada. The host explains why the Qatari network opted to censor their own investigation series after years of production. Co-Founder…