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Siri, Whose Lives Matter?
Tim Cook, the homosexual CEO of Apple Inc., is a billionaire. by Andrew Hamilton TIM COOK spoke to the Jewish hate and censorship group ADL in New York City in 2018, when it honored him for Apple’s suppression of speech and promotion of anti-White racism. Cook ingratiatingly babbled an out-of-context…

When Newspapers Were Still American
Colonel Ingersoll and two of his grandchildren by Revilo P. Oliver THE American Atheist Press in Austin, Texas, has published a booklet by Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll under the title, A Christmas Sermon and the Controversy it Aroused, with an introduction by Jon G. Murray, a son of the famous Madalyn…

Video of the Day — The Ongoing Persecution, Show Trial, and Martyrdom of Julian Assange
Talk about human rights violations. The ongoing persecution of Julian Assange is totally criminal and utterly disgraceful. As far as I’m concerned, Julian Assange is a bonafide legend, a hero and an icon, and for whatever it’s worth, I salute him. — Dissident Millennial Trump’s…

Amazon Stomps on Free Speech — Selectively Bans Pro-White and Judeo-Critical Content
“To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize? We all know who it is that we are not permitted to criticize. We all know who it is that it is a sin to criticize… anti-semitism is the ultimate sin in America.” …

The Upward Arc
Members and supporters received this Life Rune window sticker this month. Are you signed up yet? American Dissident Voices broadcast of 8 February, 2020 by Kevin Alfred Strom 2020-0208 – The Upward Arc.mp3 TODAY I have good news and bad…

Powers-That-Be Really Happy About PennLive’s Censorship of Comments
Donald Newhouse (right), billionaire Jew and boss of Advance Publications, owner of PennLive; with fellow Jewish billionaire Leonard Lauder. PennLive’s comments section was huge, with participation from all over the state — and now it has been shut down because it was becoming a catalyst…

Big (((Sue))) is Watching: The Sovietization of YouTube
Talk about the dystopian feminization and Judaization of America! Here we have the female Jewish host of “60 Minutes” Lesley Stahl interviewing the female Jewish CEO of YouTube Susan Wojcicki about how to best censor content online so that only kosher-certified views are available …

Big Tech Oligarchs’ Best Tool for Censoring the Internet: The Jewish ADL
ADL boss Jonathan Greenblatt The so-called “Anti-Defamation League,” like every Jewish interest group, doesn’t practice what it preaches. In fact, the ADL under CEO Johnathan Greenblatt is one of the main organizations working to defame its political enemies and to censor …

Google Engineer Leaks Nearly 1,000 Pages of Internal Documents of Bias, Censorship
A former Google engineer has released nearly 1,000 pages of documents that he says prove that the company, at least in some of its products, secretly boosts or demotes content based on what it deems to be true or false, while publicly claiming to be a neutral platform. THE SOFTWARE ENGINEER, Zach Vorhies,…

The Time Has Come
The ADL’s Brittan Heller American Dissident Voices broadcast of 8 June, 2019 by Kevin Alfred Strom 2019-0608 The Time Has Come.mp3 IN 1968, the far left, led by Jews, was openly waving Communist flags on American streets, committing innumerable…