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Kindle Versions of Old Children’s Novels: Censored, Edited
by David Sims YOU SHOULD NOT buy the Kindle versions of the Nancy Drew mystery books. They are ebook versions of the dumbed-down, shortened, and inferior rewrites of the books in the series. They are not at all the same stories that climbed to fame among girls in the 1930s. I have most of the Nancy Drew series…

Reaching Out: An Interview with Kevin Alfred Strom
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 25 December, 2021 by Kevin Alfred Strom ON TODAY’S program, I’m presenting the interview I did on the Patrick “Dino”…

Those Racist Hardy Boys
by David Sims EARLIER, I reported that the second book of the Hardy Boys series of adventure/mystery novels for boys, The House on the Cliff, contained a scene in which Frank Hardy (the older brother) became suspicious about something and declared that he smelled a “Nigger in the woodpile.”…

Race, Sex, and Space Telescopes: Hot Button Issues?
The James Webb Space Telescope: David Sims gets censored — again. by David Sims RACE IS not a social construct. It is a real, biological phenomenon. The idea that race was a social construct began in 1973 with a Jewish geneticist at Harvard, Richard Lewontin (who recently died). He said that nobody…

One Way Jews Censor Non-Jews
And you may be sure that organized Jewry is doing the same thing when it comes to “issues they care about” besides Israel, too. by Jan Lamprecht
with additional notes by National Vanguard correspondents TAKE A LOOK at how Jews “make it fun” for their people to run around censoring…
with additional notes by National Vanguard correspondents TAKE A LOOK at how Jews “make it fun” for their people to run around censoring…

Dr. Seuss Was a “Racist,” Oh My!
by Chris Rossetti HE GAVE AID and comfort to the enemies of White people, and, according to the rich and the powerful, that was fine, even laudable. He betrayed his nation and his people to Jews and Communism, and savagely attacked any who tried to save America. For that he was lionized and praised. He fought…

Poland: Proposed Law Would Fine Tech Giants Millions Every Time They Censor
POLAND’S government has proposed a new law to stop social media platforms from deleting content or banning any users who are not breaking Polish laws. While leftist governments in Western nations seek to fine social media giants Facebook and Twitter for failing to remove so-called “hate speech,”…

Defund the Thought Police
5-inch by 3-inch version (click for printable high-resolution file) A new National Alliance sticker — and also bumper sticker — to help you to spread the word to others in your community that there is indeed resistance to the anti-White regime. by Rosemary W. Pennington TODAY WE’VE…

Canada: Court Forbids Dissident Arthur Topham from Uttering the Word ‘Jew’ for the Next Three Years
Arthur Topham AS THE result of political pressure brought to bear by B’nai Brith — an international Jewish supremacist group — Arthur Topham, a Canadian dissident who was convicted of an online ‘hate crime,’ now faces strict new “probationary rules” on his public expression concerning…

Hello, Doublethink
by David Sims HAVE YOU ever wondered what George Orwell meant by the term “doublethink” in his book 1984? I just now found an illustration. Yahoo Answers has posted the following announcement: In order to strengthen and improve community and engagement, we are temporarily disabling…