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YouTube: David Duke Channel Reinstated
A GROUP CALLING itself the Jewish Internet Defense Force complained bitterly recently about the reinstatement of former Representative David Duke’s video channel on YouTube. Ironically, the illustration shown here with a red line covering the words “free speech” accompanied the…

Progress in Fighting Internet Censorship
by Mark Weber (pictured)
Director, Institute for Historical Review (IHR) I’M GLAD to report that we’re making progress in our recently launched campaign against Internet censorship: — Here in southern California, the Anaheim Union High School District responded to our expressions…
Director, Institute for Historical Review (IHR) I’M GLAD to report that we’re making progress in our recently launched campaign against Internet censorship: — Here in southern California, the Anaheim Union High School District responded to our expressions…

Russia Today, Tomorrow the World
THE 11 SEPTEMBER attacks in New York were an inside job; the South Korean warship torpedoed in March was not sunk by North Korea, but probably by Japan or the US; and the world is run by the secretive Bilderberg Group, who pursue a “New World Order.” Not the lonely ravings of a conspiracy-minded…