Posts Tagged
British National Party
Power from the People!
by Max Musson
THERE WAS A speech made by John Tyndall at a meeting organised by David Duke, in Louisiana in 2004, and in this speech John Tyndall spoke at some length about the various freedom fighters who have struggled valiantly so that the truth can be known. But he then brought his audience down to earth…
The Little Girls of England
Only racial patriots did anything for the raped and abused little girls.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Those racial patriots who stood up for their people were not restricted to the two groups mentioned by the author, however. This is otherwise a worthwhile, truth-telling article. It is important to remember…
Podcast: Western Spring’s Matt Tait on Red Ice
“MATTHEW TAIT joined the British National Party (BNP) at age 18 and founded a local party branch from scratch. He has stood for election at the local and national level on many occasions and faced persecution in the press and at work. Matt went on to found Western Spring, a fast growing ‘post-Nationalist’…
Video: BNP Was Offered Neocon Money, Says Nick Griffin
But there were, of course, “conditions.”
EDITOR’S NOTE: In this writer’s opinion, Nick Griffin (pictured) watered down the essential facts — those of race and of Jewish power — far too much himself when he was at the helm of the BNP. But nevertheless, it wasn’t…
Racial Socialism: The Search For A New Ideology
by Michael Woodbridge
THE RAMSHACKLE REMNANTS of British Nationalism afford us a unique, ideological, opportunity which can provide a revolutionary framework for the future. Bold courageous thinking is in order. In this article we’ll take a brief introductory look at the historical context of…
EU: “Homogenous Nation-States are Dead”
Way prepared for mass Third World invasion of Europe
THE PRESIDENT of the European Union has declared that “homogenous nation-states are dead” just a week after the European Parliament legally cleared the way for the mass invasion of Europe by the Third World.
EU President Herman van Rompuy (pictured)…
Interracial Grooming of Girls for Sex
This is what is happening to vulnerable, trusting White girls, not only in the UK, but all over the Western world. This is the real unspoken and unspeakable result of multiracialism.
by Victoria Price
THE GROOMING OF BRITISH girls for interracial sex was in the news again this week, having been highlighted…
BNP’s “Bring Our Boys Home” Is the “Most Successful Non-Election Time Campaign Ever”
THE BRITISH National Party’s “Bring Our Boys Home” campaign is far and away the most successful non-election-time recruiting campaign ever, and the entire stock of 200,000 leaflets, 100 banners and thousands of petition forms have already been used up, party Communications Officer Paul Golding…