Posts Tagged
Black riots

Now Property Itself Is “Racist”
In case you hadn’t noticed, standards for professorships have fallen drastically: Grundy. by David Sims ONE REALLY HAS TO marvel at the waywardness of Blacks. A Black professor at Boston University is convinced that property is “racist” — at least it is when White people have it.…

South African Apocalypse
Good luck with that pellet gun, Mazimbe. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 17 July, 2021 2021-0717 South African Apocalypse.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom THE SCENES ARE indeed apocalyptic. Close up, you see a gigantic factory in flames, gibbering…

A Scholar of Dindu Nuffin Studies
Elizabeth Hinton by Douglas Mercer COVERING ITSELF with glory has not exactly been the strong suit of Yale University for quite some time now; but on May 18, 2021 they hit a new low. On that date was published a book by one of their (ahem) scholars which argued, in nuce, that Whites give Blacks massive handouts.…

Propagandized, Politicized, Intimidated Jury Finds Chauvin Guilty
Derek Chauvin and his non-White ex-wife Kellie, who filed for divorce within hours of Chauvin’s being charged. When even the controlled media discuss, as WOR radio did on Monday morning, the fact the jurors in the Chauvin case feared for their own and their families’ safety should they…

Pipe Nightmare
IMAGINE A RACE so completely worthless that its main contributions to the kosher American clogged toilet are serving as sinecure figureheads, draining shekels from muh programs, committing crimes and then engaging in additional brigandage after the appalling content of their character is actually…

Kenosha: Multiple “Antifa” Rioters Shot After Attempting to Jump Young Man
Gunfire erupted on the streets of Kenosha, Wisconsin on the third day of race riots led by anarchists and the left-wing NGO Black Lives Matter. KENOSHA, which is 67% White and working class, has been abandoned by Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers, who has released public statements providing moral support…

The Resistance Needs You!
by Martin Kerr YES, we live in interesting times. The current eruption of social disorder following the death of a petty Negro criminal while in police custody is being touted by the mainstream media as a “transformative moment” in American history. Ordinary Whites, we are told by the media masters…

Attempts to Rebuild
GENETIC ALIEN inferior lives matter. We need to abolish the police. White man bad. Get on your knees, slave. The last sixty years of appeasement might as well have never happened. It certainly didn’t buy us any goodwill from the tar monsters or their Semitic wire-pullers. Despite the decades…

A Riot in York
York, Pennsylvania by Dr. William Pierce THIRTY-TWO YEARS AGO, back in the summer of 1969, the Blacks were rioting in York, Pennsylvania, just as they had rioted in many other American cities during the 1960s, with the encouragement of liberal and Jewish elements in the media, the government, and the…

Seattle’s Fat Tuesday Riot
by Dr. William L. Pierce (2001) AS WE ALL KNOW, there was an earthquake in Seattle on Wednesday morning last week. The news media have covered all the aspects of that earthquake pretty thoroughly. Some of us undoubtedly also are aware that there was a riot in downtown Seattle just a few hours before the…