Posts Tagged

Black behavior


WHITE PEOPLE are under siege across America. The latest outrage is the story of Braden Fields, a Black Ohio State University student who brags about tormenting White women with bogus “racism” accusations and acts of violence on his Twitter account @cloutlordbray.…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims APPARENTLY, the anti-White communists have also penetrated the medical profession in a big way. Recently, the American Medical Association sponsored a panel discussion in which Dr. Aletha Maybank (who is Black and is shown in the image above) made the ridiculous assertion that “racism”…
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Memorial Day weekend has seen at least 36 people shot so far across Chicago, nine of them fatally. TODAY we remember the brave mongrel soldiers of the Chiraq all against all, the dangerous brown animals who gave their lives to help bring about the coming Semitic nightmare state. Each one of these alien…
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This is the President of Angola. The strange case of alleged Negro/chimp hybrid Augusto Dembo: The Angolan President João Lourenço accepts the hybrid explanation and calls Dembo a “national treasure,” “a sign from God,” and a “testament to the majesty and greatness of the Republic of Angola.” IN January…
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David SimsEssays

Kobe Bryant White woman was paid off to silence her. by David Sims LIKE THE Black comedian Bill Cosby, the Black basketball player Kobe Bryant was credibly accused of rape. The following quote is from The Daily Beast: The Kobe Bryant rape case has, in the annals of popular culture, been reduced to something…
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Was this disgusting event staged? If it was staged, these young people were willing to degrade themselves for money. If it was not staged, they were willing to degrade themselves for nothing. THESE PARTICULARLY…
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A KROGER GROCERY STORE has caged part of its store in College Park, Georgia. The glass enclosure has one entrance. The apparent objective is to decrease shrinkage, otherwise called shoplifting or, as I prefer to call it, slow-burn looting.

As expected, the store is accused of “racism”…
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Black gunman shoots at least ten people at high school football game between all-Black schools WHAT HAPPENS when a 100 percent non-White high school plays a 99 percent non-White high school in a football game in the state of Alabama? It should be noted for those unfamiliar with the two high schools, almost…
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PLEASE watch the following amazing video. Be sure to save a copy; this sort of footage has a habit of disappearing off JewTube. Welcome to Burger Kang. A giant and grotesque poster for fried chicken immediately sets the tone for what is to come. Obese nightmare animals with their clothes falling off brawl…
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Bald men in Mozambique could be targets of ritual attacks, police have warned, after the recent killing of five men for their body parts. TWO SUSPECTS have been arrested in the central district of Milange, where the killings occurred. “The belief is that the head of a bald man contains gold,”…
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