Posts Tagged
Black behavior

Happen and Fizzle Away
Notice in the video below, shot in “upscale” Naples, Florida, the witness is afraid to show his face on camera. He well knows who is now empowered to use violence in this country. WE’RE SO CLOSE to curing “racism” in America you can almost taste it. After the 500 billion …

Confronting a Lying Globalist Mouthpiece and Murderer
This piece was originally written in November, 1997, just after the confrontation it describes. Mr. Williams shows how easy it is to repurpose an enemy event by inserting a little bit of incontrovertible truth into the discourse. by William White Williams (1997) HERE’S A talk you may have missed…

Savages Are Not Noble
Nobility, BLM style: The Benjamin Franklin tattoo adds just the right touch. Warning: the video below is extremely disgusting and depicts sexuality in a horribly degraded, Negroid, form. It should not be viewed by children or sensitive persons. (Note well: While intellectual and philosophical …

I’m Suffering From Negro Fatigue
DON’T KNOW about you but I’ve had it up to my teeth with Black ‘communities’ everywhere. I’m suffering from Negro Fatigue. The endless drumbeat of whining, bitching and complaining about the discrimination from which they allegedly suffer, the rioting and looting…

Black Lives Do Matter: They’re Walking, Talking Redpills
by Basil Ransom I AM A member of the prosecutor’s office in a small Southern county that remains almost ninety percent White. We are blessed to have very little violent crime, but this is beginning to change, due largely to a marginal increase (from less than two per cent) in the Black population over…

The Jewish-Run Media Are Lying About Kenosha, Too
What Blacks are doing in Kenosha, Wisconsin right now by David Sims JACOB Blake, a Black man in Kenosha, Wisconsin, physically attacked police before the police shot him. The “mainstream” media intentionally chose to omit the former fact, and present only the latter fact. By so doing,…

Pure Criminality
Videos circulating online show widespread looting and clashes with police across Chicago’s Magnificent Mile shopping district early Monday, sparked by an officer-involved shooting hours earlier that left a 20-year-old man wounded. LOOKS LIKE the “White supremacists” are at it…

United States of Africa: Black Crime Wave Overwhelms Virtually All Major American Cities
THE EFFECTS of criminal justice reforms intended to “fight racial disparities in the prison system” are now yielding predictable consequences in virtually every American metropolitan area. This is the product of Jewish financiers like George Soros bankrolling prosecutors who…

“BLM Now MF”: Mulatto BLM Supporter Kneels on White Baby’s Neck While Black Female Wrenches Helpless Child’s Arms
One report states that the Mulatto sexually abused the White baby before this filmed physical abuse. A White mother separated from the White father of their child; she then entered into an interracial relationship; this is the result for her child. A PHOTOGRAPH of a Black man kneeling on the neck of a…

The Swarm Is Coming
American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 18, 2020 2020-0718 – The Swarm Is Coming.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom I WANT YOU to watch an amazing video. It’s so revealing and important,…
American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 18, 2020 2020-0718 – The Swarm Is Coming.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom I WANT YOU to watch an amazing video. It’s so revealing and important,…