Posts Tagged

Black behavior


BACK IN JUNE I discussed the amazing story of a Liberia Ball Negro whose attempt at “dating” went horribly wrong. Instead of snow hoes, it blundered upon a cross-dressing sodomite freakazoid and the tar creature was not happy when the deception was finally revealed. A mentally defective…
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THERE ARE TWO major public health issues threatening our globalist kosher bodega. If you immediately thought of “obesity and the opioid epidemic,” you could not be more wrong. Disgusting mongrel fat-bodies and debased Whites “vaccinating” themselves in the gutter isn’t…
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NOW WE SHOULDN’T be too surprised by this. Black men like to play the field a bit, and see which babies come out the prettiest, before they eventually settle down as good fambly men with their three or four favourite women. Or to put it another way, they whelp with all the diligence and foresight of…
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News CAN YOU imagine an ambulance being called to a White neighborhood, arriving with the intention to save someone’s life, and the White neighbors emerging from their homes and doing what you see in this…
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I’VE BEEN documenting the steady erosion of our institutions for a long time, but I feel today’s incredible dispatch from the national cadaver represents a major concession to the encroaching necrosis. The sort of insane jurisprudence formerly confined to Western European disaster…
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Douglas MercerEssaysNewsPerspective

Ugga buggah, literally. Leading Establishment cultural and art publications, including Smithsonian magazine, have rushed to heap praise on this new “work.” Once the Jews convinced us that Jackson Pollock’s brush drippings were “art,” this became inevitable.…
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PLEASE WATCH the following amazing video: Grab a handful of anti-depressants, a plate of partially cooked maggots and your estrogen drink with the weird little “U” on the bottle, it’s time for the evening news. We’re looking for a “woman,” meaning a living…
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PLEASE WATCH the following amazing video. One person was arrested for disorderly conduct following a brawl at Miami International Airport which was captured on video and has since gone viral. Yew eeeennnn meeeee-ahhhhhh-meeeeeee nao, beeech. This incredible all against all is the end result of…
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Karl Racine IF YOUR streets are getting overrun with violent crime it’s fair to say that Haiti wouldn’t be the first place you’d look to for a solution, that benighted country being the poster child for violence and corruption. Then again maybe such an unconventional source could…
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AS OUR country falls apart and becomes Zimbabwe with worse weather we’ll at least know who to blame. That’s right: White supremacists. They’re everywhere, voting cuckservative, impotently protesting massive and brazen corruption and causing all the staggering failures of…
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