Posts Tagged
Birth Rate

The Exterminators
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 9 July, 2022 by Kevin Alfred Strom A FEW YEARS AGO I discussed on these airwaves the utter absurdity of the claim, commonly heard on the controlled media and in modern…

White Babies
by David Sims WHITE WOMEN should have more babies! Go ahead. Kids are fun. And you get somebody to call you Mommy and take care of you when you’re old. Besides, we don’t want our race to die out. Not even Hungary has a White birthrate that is above replacement level, which is 2.1 births per woman,…

How Europe’s Demographic Winter Can Be Reversed
An eye-opening article that suggests that cheap housing for young Europeans — something instituted by the German National Socialists — would go a long way toward increasing White birth rates. What the author should have added, however, is that access to such housing should be restricted…

The Demographic Catastrophe of Europe
THERE IS NOT a single European (or western, for that matter) country with positive birth rate. This means that there is mathematical certainty that European people will disappear, if they do not change their behavior and have more children. This means that White people will disappear even if immigration…