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Migrating shorebirds at Kimbles Beach, N.J. Researchers estimate that the population of North American shorebirds alone has fallen by more than a third since 1970. OVER THE PAST half-century, North America has lost more than a quarter of its entire bird population, or around 3 billion birds. That’s…
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BIRDS MAY NOT be so bird-brained after all. A study of Japanese tits has shown they can “speak in phrases”, an ability previously thought to be the unique preserve of humans. Displaying talents that may force us to revise our traditional notions of human superiority, Japanese tits — close relatives…
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More evidence that abstract reasoning is not confined to humans — and that there is no hard-edged boundary between humans and the rest of Nature, but rather a continuum. AN EXPERIMENT has proven that ravens can imagine being spied on and adapt their behavior accordingly, showing an ability to…
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American Dissident VoicesKevin Alfred Strom

by Kevin Alfred Strom ONE OF MY SMALL pleasures in life is bird watching, which gives me a great deal of peace in this world of constant conflict. Over the years, I have discovered that there is much to be learned from our avian neighbors, lessons that illustrate the laws of Nature that apply to us as much…
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Classic EssaysKevin Alfred Strom

The threats to American songbirds dramatically illustrate the dire plight of European-Americans. by Kevin Alfred Strom ONE OF MY small pleasures in life is bird watching, which gives me some peace in this world of constant conflict. Over the years, I have discovered that there is a great deal to be learned…
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