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Regression: Only One Way to Escape
You really can’t understand social realities if you don’t understand the concept of regression to the mean. The example given by Mr. Sims is that of Blacks, but the same concept applies to other races, too. by David Sims LET ME INTRODUCE YOU to a well-studied, well-documented biological…
Yes, Race Is Real
Race was real then, and race is real now. Nothing is of greater consequence for the future of life in the Universe. by John Alexander THIS PAPER WILL start by making an assertion that many politically correct academics would consider frustrating, alarming and infuriating: “Race exists as a biological…
Study: Single-Celled Organisms Can Solve Complex Mazes
Cells intuitively avoided dead-ends when released into microscopic mazes. Here’s how. FOR A SINGLE CELL, the human body is a gargantuan maze of tissues, chemicals and capillaries, crammed full with trillions of other cells all bustling about like commuters at the world’s busiest train…
The Good White Bible
Jared Diamond A STRANGE THING that used to be more common a decade ago, but still persists to this day is the use of the book Guns, Germs and Steel [by Jew Jared Diamond] as an escape hatch. That is, when a conversation with good Whites turns to biology, they will at some point attempt to change the subject…
Plants Are the Real Racists
Sunflowers are among a number of plants that appear to recognize and help kin. FOR PEOPLE, and many other animals, family matters. Consider how many jobs go to relatives. Or how an ant will ruthlessly attack intruder ants but rescue injured, closely related nestmates. There are good evolutionary reasons…
Racial Differences Are Real, part 8,942: Whites Have Greater Lung Capacity than Negroes
Introduction by Hadding Scott: Do you remember, maybe when you were in high school, that Blacks do some really exaggerated breathing when lifting weights? I used to think that this was some unnecessary drama, like the strange noises that Blacks like to make when demonstrating martial arts. It’s…
God and Revolution in the Age of Biology
by Helgar THIS IS THE Age of Biology. It has come upon us almost unaware, and certainly unwanted for existing power structures. All bureaucracies wherever they are established, in government, education and economics, are doing their utmost to keep the age from realizing itself. But it will grow, inevitable…
Live Homo Erectus Throwback Discovered in Brazil
Modern reconstruction of Homo erectus HE LIVES in Toca da Esperanca in the State of Bahia near the east coast of Brazil. This area has a particularly large ethnically African population. The video first emerged in late December on YouTube. Little information was posted along with the video. It was posted…
Conservationists Successfully Clone Five Massive Redwood Trees — 75 Times
The trees cloned are stumps of giants logged in the 19th century. WHEN DAVID MILARCH first learned about ancient coast redwood stumps hidden in California, he says he was “the most thunderstruck” he’d ever been. At about 10 metres in diameter, he’d never heard of any tree…
It was the Law in a Saner Time
by Charles E. Weber, Ph.D.
THE RACES OF MANKIND have developed in biologically different ways for tens, if not hundreds of thousands of years. It has long been recognized that a biological mixing of the races (miscegenation) has produced undesirable results in the children thus procreated. Since…