Posts Tagged
Biological Reproduction

Positive Reproduction: Quality vs Quantity
YOU CAN’T HELP how you were born, but you can help what you do with your own life. There are many things in life that are, and always will be, out of your control, but your actions will always belong to you, and you alone. People can’t help being born sick or weak due to inherited genetic conditions.…

Extremely Unwise Move: Sterilizing the Most Advanced Human Beings
by Charles Galton Darwin (1953) endnote by Bradford Hanson IN THE ESSENTIAL matter of survival there are two things needed, the survival of the individual and the survival of the race. We are all very well endowed with deep instincts for both, and curiously enough we are ashamed of both these instincts.…

The Importance of Beauty
by David Sims KNIGHT Dunlap (1875–1949; pictured) was an American psychologist who made a special study of human beauty. He wrote, “Whatever its importance for the individual, beauty is for the race and for civilization of such profound importance that no other fundamental consideration…

Too Many People
Population control will be necessary, one way or another — the laws of Nature demand it; but we must not let it be used as a weapon against us. American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 2, 2016 by Kevin Alfred Strom THE JEWISH power…

The Ideology of Contraception
by Andrew Hamilton THE MORE ONE thinks about it, the more obvious it becomes that, where race is concerned, sex is of central importance. A group’s sexual behavior, marriage, reproductive patterns (having or not having children), and family strength are decisive for racial survival and expansion. …

Ben Klassen Had It Right
by H. Millard BEN KLASSEN had it right when he said that having White children is the most important thing we can do in our lives. Many of us have written and said the same thing. However, Mr. Klassen links having White children to traditional marriage. I do not. I see having White children as the increasing…

There’s Nothing Wrong With Racism (Except the Name)
And how I became a political dissident… by Professor Geoffrey Sampson (pictured) ‘RACISM’ IS certainly a horrible word. Words ending in -ism are normally formed from adjective roots: nationalism, specialism, communism. The correct word is ‘racialism,’ and this…