Posts Tagged
Biological Reality

Exercising My Free Speech: Homosexual and “Anti-Racist” Edition, part 8,942
by David Sims THE FOLLOWING comment of mine, made on YouTube, has been getting replied to for the past seven years. I’ll include my original remarks here, along with my replies to others who’ve reacted to what I said. * * * ALTHOUGH A person isn’t blameworthy because of an inherited…

Yes, Race Is Real
Race was real then, and race is real now. Nothing is of greater consequence for the future of life in the Universe. by John Alexander THIS PAPER WILL start by making an assertion that many politically correct academics would consider frustrating, alarming and infuriating: “Race exists as a biological…

The Tree and the Vine
A lesson from Nature 1 NATURE teaches you everything you need to know about the reality of life. There are only so many modes for living beings, and so those modes can be seen repeating themselves throughout the natural world. This is how conscious beings like us are taught by Nature: we observe these repeating…

“There Is One Race, the Human Race”: A False and Destructive Idea
by David Sims WE ARE not all the same race. There are several different human races. There have been published scientific, peer-reviewed studies that have established that the race of a person can be determined from genetic information alone with 99.86% reliability. Here’s a link [……

Adolf Hitler on the Importance of Racial Preservation
by Adolf Hitler THERE ARE CERTAIN TRUTHS which stand out so openly on the roadsides of life that every passerby may see them. Yet, because of their very obviousness, the general run of people disregard such truths or at least they do not make them the object of any conscious knowledge. People are so blind…

Reality Check
by Dr. William L. Pierce IT’S TIME FOR a reality check. One of the ways in which I try to keep up with what’s going on in the world is watching a couple of televised news programs every day. For week after week I’ve been saturated with Elian Gonzales, as if the business of deciding whether…

Do You Still Think You Have a Country?
American Dissident Voices broadcast of September 1, 2018 by Kevin Alfred Strom DO YOU STILL THINK you have a country? When I said last week that our enemies had stolen our state from us, some listeners responded with derision. The letter-writers…

It was the Law in a Saner Time
by Charles E. Weber, Ph.D.
THE RACES OF MANKIND have developed in biologically different ways for tens, if not hundreds of thousands of years. It has long been recognized that a biological mixing of the races (miscegenation) has produced undesirable results in the children thus procreated. Since…

The Racialists are Right. Again.
by David Sims THE SMUG “Debunking Denialism” Web site, which likes to style itself as scientific and rational, says that “racists” employ fallacies in their arguments:
Thinking that the average says anything about the spread [is a fallacy]. This fallacy can often by found…

A Mathematical Analogy to the Genetic Inheritance of Intelligence
by David Sims LET ME INDULGE in a bit of math to show how a normal distribution can arise from biological inheritance. Suppose that there are ten locations on the human DNA that pertain to intelligence. I don’t know how many such locations actually exist, but for the purpose of illustration, let’s…