Posts Tagged
Bill Clinton

Terrorism, Elites, and the Low Character of the Average American
by Dr. William L. Pierce (1999)
TODAY I want to talk with you about something I’ve already mentioned on several earlier programs, but with the trial of Bill Clinton now starting in the Senate, I believe it’s worth discussing again. That is the fact that well over half of the American electorate…

A Call for “Tolerance”
by Dr. William L. Pierce
INTRODUCTION by Will Williams: Dr. Pierce wasn’t one to often make predictions — though some things he wrote about, such as in The Turner Diaries, came true years later: hate crime statutes, gun confiscation, and more. (ILLUSTRATION: William Pierce recording…

Elites vs. Masses
by Dr. William L. Pierce
ONE OF THE most profoundly depressing experiences an American can subject himself to these days is watching the various presidential candidates campaigning on his television screen. My god, what a sorry spectacle! Bush and McCain, Gore and Bradley: these are the “leaders” …

What We Owe Samuel Dash
by Dr. William L. Pierce (1998)
SOMETHING VERY interesting happened on Friday of last week. Samuel Dash (pictured), a high-profile Jew lawyer that Special Prosecutor Ken Starr has employed for the past four years as a high-priced consultant during his investigation of Clinton’s illegal behavior,…

Aesop’s Fables and the Rules of Engagement
American Dissident Voices Broadcast of November 14, 1998
by Dr. William L. Pierce
LAST WEEK I gave an interview to a news reporter from a television station in Charlotte, North Carolina. That’s station WSOC, channel nine, Michael Eisner’s ABC affiliate in Charlotte. The reporter…

“Hate Crimes” and the New World Order
American Dissident Voices Broadcast of October 31, 1998
by Dr. William L. Pierce
THERE HAVE BEEN a few items in the news during the past few days which have caught my attention, and I want to share my thoughts on these things with you.
One of these items was the reaction to the robbing and killing of a …

Head of AIPAC Boasted About His Control of Politicians in 1992
IN 1992, Harry Katz phoned the President of AIPAC, David Steiner, to offer contributions. Steiner proceeded to make several claims, including negotiating with then-candidate Bill Clinton over who would be Secretary of State, and had already “cut a deal” with Baker for more aid to Israel.…

Four More Years
“Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.” –Euripides
by Dr. William L. Pierce
CHOOSING a man of Bill Clinton’s character to be President once is solid evidence that a nation is in a terminal state of moral decay. Doing it twice in a row is beyond human comprehension.…

The Organizational Strategy
by Dr. William L. Pierce
HERE WE ARE, losing battle after battle while we hope desperately that we will in the end, somehow, be able to win the war, if we can just do the right things.
What are the right things for us to do?
Well, we must understand where we are, where we have been, and where we want to go; we must…

A Closer Look at the Enemy
by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured)
YOU KNOW, this world we live in is a complicated place. Behind every phenomenon we observe there are many forces at work, some of them obvious and some not so obvious. Trying to separate what’s important from what’s not important can be a confusing task.…