Posts Tagged
Bill Clinton

Was FBI Director Comey Sending Us a Hidden Message in His Non-Prosecution Announcement?
Was Hillary’s free pass presented by Comey in a way that showed he was under duress?
by David Sims
TOM GILSON presents, below, the same hypothesis as I did about why FBI Director James Comey (pictured) announced an absurd decision to recommend that the US Attorney General should not prosecute…

Building Understanding
by Dr. William L. Pierce
WE RECENTLY took a survey of just under a thousand regular listeners to American Dissident Voices who also subscribe to the texts of the broadcasts by e-mail. We wanted to know what listeners especially like or dislike about these broadcasts. We wanted ideas which will help…

Special Treatment
by Dr. William L. Pierce
ST. MARTINS PRESS has just published a fascinating new book. It’s by journalist Gordon Thomas and is titled Gideon’s Spies: the Secret History of the Mossad. Mossad is the name of Israel’s official espionage and assassination agency. The history of…

Former Prosecutor Jeanine Pirro: Bill Clinton Flew 26 Times on Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedophile Express
FOX NEWS HOST and legal analyst Jeanine Pirro dropped a bombshell this morning when she made reference to Bill Clinton’s friendship with Jewish billionaire and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. Pirro was on Fox and Friends to discuss Clinton’s controversial meeting with Attorney General…

Judicial Insanity and Schoolyard Massacres
by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured)
MR. CLINTON’S long visit to Africa has helped to strengthen his already strong support among Blacks in America — and it has given him a vacation from the Monica and Kathleen and Gennifer and Paula circus which has engulfed his administration. That…

Clinton’s Legacy
by Dr. William L. Pierce
I SPOKE with you last week about the political instability which is a consequence of Mr. Clinton’s Presidency. This is an extremely important matter, and I will talk more about it today. As a preliminary, I want to repeat for emphasis a few fundamental facts I’ve…

Jewish Policy Against Iraq
by Dr. William L. Pierce
IT USED TO BE that before we would wage war against another country, we had to believe that we had some moral justification for doing so. And it used to be that the only moral justification which we considered sufficient was self-defense. No matter how much we disliked another …

Bill, Monica, and Saddam
Dr. Pierce knew the Middle East war plans of the Jewish power structure long before 9/11, as this 1998 broadcast — which also reveals the biggest lie ever put across by Steven Spielberg — shows.
by Dr. William Pierce (pictured; portrait by S.M. Casper)
AS WE ALL watch the U.S. government…

Evil in High Places
by Kevin Alfred Strom (pictured)
THERE IS EVIL IN HIGH PLACES in America today. There is an evil which has taken our grief over the dead in Oklahoma City and is using it cynically to advance its political agenda.
There is an evil which has gradually stripped us of many rights won for us by the blood of our fathers,…

Bill and Monica
by Dr. William L. Pierce
WHAT WOULD I do without Bill Clinton in the White House to provide me with a non-stop source of material? Unfortunately, this latest escapade of his, involving not just another bimbo romp but also perjury, suborning of perjury, obstruction of justice, and a number of other …