Posts Tagged

Bill Clinton

Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce I REALLY APPRECIATE the letters I’ve been receiving from listeners. Since we don’t have anything like Nielsen ratings to judge how many people are listening to our broadcasts, I judge our popularity by the volume of mail that comes in. As long as that volume continues…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce IT’S REALLY TOO BAD Bill Clinton put on such a weak performance in his televised apology to the nation a couple of weeks ago. He could have done much better if he hadn’t worn himself out trying to appear cooperative while waffling and dodging questions from the grand…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce I REFERRED to Steven Spielberg’s new film, Saving Private Ryan, in my talk with you last week. We talked about the way in which that film — and every other film about the Second World war which has come out of Hollywood — have perpetuated the myth — the…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce EVER SINCE two Israeli terrorists, acting on direct orders from the prime minister of Israel, attempted to murder an Islamic religious leader in Jordan by squirting an especially nasty poison into his ear, I’ve been waiting to hear what the reaction of the politicians…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce EVER SINCE HE started his campaign to “pull America together” this summer, I’ve been observing Bill Clinton’s antics in this campaign with some interest. Mr. Clinton, remember, is a democrat. He is the leader of the party which claims, even more…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce ONE OF THE more interesting aspects of the ongoing saga of illegal campaign contributions and money-laundering in the Clinton administration is the Asian connection. A temple full of Buddhist nuns who cannot speak English but who have handy checkbooks, Clinton buddy Johnny…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce I WAS SURPRISED to receive a number of calls and letters during the last two weeks from irate citizens who were angry and frightened about what Bill Clinton said in a speech to graduating seniors at Portland State University in Oregon on June 13. The Fastest Zipper in the West told…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce (1999) PERHAPS BY NOW you are tired of hearing me talk about Madeleine Albright’s genocide against the Serbs. There certainly are plenty of other interesting things we could discuss: more horrifying Black-on-White crimes that the Jewish media have hushed up, more shocking…
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by James Harting THERE ARE no precise figures, but roughly speaking, there are just over 5 million “adherents of Judaism” in the US, according to Jewish sources. This is roughly two percent of the total US population. There are, of course, any number of people who are of Jewish or part-Jewish descent,…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce I SUPPOSE I have a weird sense of humor, but I often laugh at things which really are more grotesque than funny. That certainly is the case when Mr. Clinton holds a press conference, puts on a stern face, and begins wagging his finger and talking about morality. For the past …
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