Posts Tagged

Big Pharma

David SimsEssays

by David Sims REGARDING the coronavirus, the lockdowns only made sense in the very beginning, before covid became endemic. Now the only thing lockdowns do is supply evolutionary pressure to cause the virus to mutate into different strains. The same thing is true of the mRNA vaccines. Using the vaccines…
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David SimsEditorialsNews

Billionaire criminals — especially Jews — typically get away with innumerable felonies by paying off the System. Time for a new System that will put them in prison, deport them, and make them pay the ultimate price when called for — and then seize all of their wealth anyway, to benefit
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David SimsNews

Nurse Tiffany Dover fainted on live TV 17 minutes after receiving the new rushed-to-market vaccine, hundreds of millions of doses of which have been purchased from Big Pharma with taxpayer money. by David Sims PEOPLE WHO have gotten the COVID-19 vaccine are getting sick and/or fainting. Medical “experts”…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims COVID-19 is NOT the “killer disease” that it is being hyped up to be. Yes, it is possible for people who already have one foot in the grave to die from COVID-19, just as they might also die if they catch the flu. Very old people are at risk. Sickly people are at risk. But aside from…
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