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Senator Chuck Schumer ON JUNE 5, 16 heads of Jewish organizations joined 25 Democratic senators in a private meeting, which, according to the Times of Israel, is an annual event. All of the Jewish organizations but one were openly declared advocates for Israel and are supportive of its policies. Key…
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THE JEWISH LOBBY in America has suffered an important setback in their attempts to stifle criticism of Israel with the striking down by a US federal judge of the “anti-boycott, divestment and sanctions” (BDS) law in Texas, on the grounds that it violates freedom of speech under the country’s first amendment…
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THE CRIMINALIZATION OF political speech and activism against Israel has become one of the gravest threats to free speech in the West. In France, activists have been arrested and prosecuted for wearing T-shirts advocating a boycott of Israel. The U.K. has enacted a series of measures designed…
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The study showed 34% of leftwing extremists affirmed the anti-Semitic attitude that Jews are “money-grabbing,” while of those termed radical leftists, 13% said Jews are consumed with money. A STUDY released last week in Berlin showed widespread anti-Semitism among left-wing Germans. According…
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Israel has released a threatening video, warning Europe that if they don’t stop their boycott campaign against Israel, their continent will be obliterated. THE VIDEO, released by a pro-Israel PR firm, depicts ISIS militants destroying European cities with Jerusalem’s blessing. (ILLUSTRATION:…
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Clinton to hold fundraiser in Tel Aviv; Kasich claims to have won “Jewish vote”; shows off “Biblical knowledge” to Orthodox Jews THERE’S BEEN a lot of Israel news in the primary process lately, and I’m going to play catchup on it here. First, this just in. Hillary Clinton…
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The love affair between the Left — and now even the establishment Left — and Israel is so over. US SENATOR Patrick Leahy has piqued the temper of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and faces a rebuke from within his own party after demanding for an investigation into “gross violations…
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Even endorsing such boycotts has been declared illegal. AS OF TODAY, the British government will be enacting measures to prevent public bodies from engaging in or endorsing boycotts of the State of Israel. (ILLUSTRATION: Matthew Hancock, left, in Israel) The measures, announced earlier this week,…
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Think on this: Importing millions of Muslims and other non-Whites is an easy way to purposely cause a “spike in anti-Semitism” and so justify laws restricting speech and imprisoning anyone who questions the Jewish policy of racial replacement. THE NEW European Union coordinator…
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The Resolution A VOTE TOOK place on this resolution to boycott Israeli academic institutions at the American Anthropological Association business meeting on Friday, November 20, 2015 in the Colorado Convention Center. The resolution passed 1040 for BDS to 136, 87% in favor. It will be forwarded…
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