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The Racial Awakening of the German People, by Dr. Rudolf Frercks — Part 7
Illustration and caption from Scientific American, December 2003. The text below is based on a booklet originally published with official approval of the NSDAP in 1935. Translation by Hadding Scott, 2014. Consequences of the Decline in Births Threat to the Nation ALREADY IN THE very near future that…

The Racial Awakening of the German People, by Dr. Rudolf Frercks — Part 6
Translation by Hadding Scott, 2014, based on the 1942 reprinting of a text originally published with official approval of the NSDAP in 1935. Is Germany Still a Growing People?[1] AS SOON AS there is reference anywhere to the dangerousness of the situation in our population-policy, to the increasing…

The Racial Awakening of the German People, by Dr. Rudolf Frercks — Part 5
Written by a vice-director of the NSDAP’s Office of Racial Policy and published with official approval of the NSDAP in 1935. Translation by Hadding Scott, 2014. The Racial Policy of National-Socialism EXAMINATIONS [of history] with regard to race and natural law teach us that there are three things…

The Racial Awakening of the German People, by Dr. Rudolf Frercks — Part 4
This section discusses the progress in theories of history, from the Middle Ages, through the Enlightenment, to the biological view of history espoused by Houston Stewart Chamberlain in his Foundations of the Nineteenth Century (1899). Finally there is a perfunctory discussion alluding to Oswald…

The Racial Awakening of the German People, by Dr. Rudolf Frercks – Part 3
The Phalian (left) and Nordic (right) types constitute the racial core of the German people, says Dr. Rudolf Frercks. The image is from Carleton S. Coon, The Races of Europe, 1939. Originally published with official approval of the NSDAP in 1935. Translation by Hadding Scott, 2014. Race and People…

The Racial Awakening of the German People, by Dr. Rudolf Frercks — Part 2
This booklet was originally published, with the approval of the NSDAP, in 1935. The edition on which this translation was based is dated 1942. It will be posted here in about ten installments. Translation by Hadding Scott, 2014. The Racial Doctrine in Politics Race Signifies Destiny THE ORGANIC, racial…

Group Threat, Racial Threat
by Karl Gunther WHEN SOMEONE says that something is “academic” they mean it is moot — it is irrelevant, it no longer matters. That’s because these heads-in-the-clouds ivory-tower types come up with theories that are either wildly divergent from reality, or that show an…

I am a White Person
by H. Millard I AM A White person. My parents were White. My grandparents were White. My great-grandparents were White. My great-great-grandparents were White. My White line goes back pure White as far as I have been able to check. And my DNA test says I’m 100% non-Jewish White (they call it 100%…

My Awakening by Jayme Louis Liardi
FOUR YEARS AGO I began the process of awakening — awakening to the sober reality of our times. I started to experiment with my diet, began to question the validity of what our so-called ‘authorities’ were telling us. I quickly realized that I had been lied to, that we had been lied to. I started to…