Posts Tagged
Aryan history
New Year’s Dawn Traditional Message, part 1
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 4 January, 2025 by Kevin Alfred Strom THE NEW YEAR is upon us. It inspires thoughts of where we’ve been, how we got there, and where we’re going. 1800 years ago, the Roman Emperor Aurelian first declared 25 December to be a state holiday, commemorating…
Updated: “Aryan” Is the Correct and Proper Name of Our Race
An Aryan girl, member of the Nordic sub-race. Not all Aryans are Nordics, but all Nordics (of uncontaminated ancestry) are Aryans. by Martin Kerr BEFORE 1940 OR SO, the term “Aryan” and the name “Aryan race” were part of the ordinary vocabulary of every moderately-educated person in the English-speaking…
The Danevirke and Offa’s Dyke
Denmark, showing the locations of the ancient Danish wall and Viking trading hub of Hedeby. Germany is south of the wall, southern Sweden hangs down from the upper right. by Andrew Hamilton DENMARK OCCUPIES the Jutland Peninsula. In the south, where the peninsula joins the mainland, the prehistoric…