Posts Tagged
Artificial Intelligence

Deforming AI
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 7 January, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom IN RECENT WEEKS I’ve been experimenting with an amazing artificial intelligence (AI) bot created by a company called OpenAI.…

New AI Fake Text Generator may be too Dangerous to Release, Say Creators
The AI wrote a new passage of fiction set in China after being fed the opening line of Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell The Elon Musk-backed nonprofit company OpenAI declines to release research publicly for fear of misuse THE CREATORS OF a revolutionary AI system that can write news stories and…

What They’re Working On: Telepathic Communication With Drone Swarms
A MAN OR WOMAN with a brain chip can now pilot a swarm of drones — or even advanced fighter jets, thanks to research funded by the U.S. military’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA. The work builds on research from 2015, which allowed a paralyzed woman to steer a virtual F-35 Joint…

Jewish-Owned Facebook Develops Lying AI Bots
Human-like chatbots are already used by Facebook to convince users to buy certain services. FACEBOOK’S 100,000-strong bot empire is booming — but it has a problem. Each bot is designed to offer a different service through the Messenger app: it could book you a car, or order a delivery,…

Fake-News-Enabling Technology is Here Now
Elite Establishment universities have evidently been studying these evidence-fabrication techniques for years. RESEARCHERS HAVE developed mind-blowing new video technology that allows a person to transfer their facial expressions on to another person in real-time — and it’s already…

Racist Computer Algorithms Predict Negroes are More Likely to Commit Crime
Here’s the real reason for the results: Artificial intelligence (unless mangled and crippled by insertion of Jewish/SJW ideology) is objective, and therefore correctly assesses reality — such as the reality of relative Black primitiveness and criminality. THIS IS HILARIOUS. For…

Artificial Intelligence to Be Crippled With “Moral” Censorship and Dysfunctional “Anti-Racism”
Untrammeled logic and reason is “scary” and “racist,” according to this controlled media article. LET’S FACE IT: artificial intelligence is scary. After decades of dystopian science fiction novels and movies where sentient machines end up turning on humanity, we can’t…

Rise of the Trollbot
Jews are very, very good at creating a false consensus, and have been doing it to us for over a century. Can we beat them at this quickly-evolving game?
IN “Accelerando,” Charlie posited the idea of a swarm of legal robots, creating a never-ending stream of companies which exchange ownership…

Could This Be Humanity’s Last Century?
by Seth Shostak (pictured) OK, QUICK: Name a few important things that happened in the 11th century. If you’re not tenured in medieval studies, that may be tough, although several modestly notable events took place in those hundred years — for example, the Battle of Hastings and the launch…

Hawking: Computers Will Overtake Us — But When They Do, Will They Have “Goals Aligned With Ours”?
Those who will make such weighty decisions — mere decades hence — must now be made aware of Cosmotheism and all its implications.
STEPHEN HAWKING today warned that computers will overtake humans in terms of intelligence at some point within the next century.
Speaking at the Zeitgeist…