Posts Tagged
Arthur Schopenhauer

Schopenhauer and Judeo-Christian Life-Denial, part 2
by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D. Sexual Abstinence as Jewish Ethnic Strategy AMONG MANY other things, Schopenhauer was fascinated by human sexuality, which for him assumed deep metaphysical importance. The human essence, the will-to-live, finds “as its kernel and greatest concentration, the act of generation”…

Schopenhauer and Judeo-Christian Life-Denial, part 1
by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D. Vitam impendere vero (“Dedicate one’s life to truth.”)
— Juvenal, Satire IV, 91[1] EVERY MOVEMENT needs its icons, racial-nationalism no less than any other social-political ideology. Any icon — a term deriving from the Greek eikôn, meaning a likeness or image — serves to…
— Juvenal, Satire IV, 91[1] EVERY MOVEMENT needs its icons, racial-nationalism no less than any other social-political ideology. Any icon — a term deriving from the Greek eikôn, meaning a likeness or image — serves to…

Parasites of Culture
How the small feed on the great
“Mit euch, Herr Doktor, zu spazieren,
Ist ehrenvoll and bringt Gewinn.”
— Goethe’s Faust
Julius Frauenstaedt (1813-1879)
IT WAS NOT a great event in the history of diplomacy and promotion. The Frankfurt newspapers of July 24, 1846, did not…