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The Naming Commission
Witness your degradation: Lloyd Austin. by Douglas Mercer A NATION THAT REVILES its past has no future. What’s in a name? Quite a lot, actually. Have you noticed that all of our great names have been coming down at a breakneck speed? They keep taking them off and changing them, and pretty soon you…

“We’re Engaged in a Conflict, a War” — Half the French Army is Now Deployed on French Streets
Since the Islamist terror attacks in Paris last November, the streets of major French cities have been guarded by soldiers in full military fatigues. That permanent presence of the French army represents half of all its soldiers now deployed on military operations, but has been dismissed …

Let every good citizen reverently support the troops of the United States of Surveillance and Torture. by Thomas Goodrich WHY IS IT THAT we Americans must always witness soldiers, sailors and airmen marching in the flag at sporting events? Who gave these twits a corner on “patriotism?” Why must patriotism…

Spiced Crambe
JFK assassination conspiracy theories and reality by Revilo P. Oliver THE ROMANS considered a kind of boiled cabbage, crambe, the most insipid and tasteless of all dishes, and crambe repetita became a metaphor for the constant repetition of statements or arguments so often heard that they bore you…

Army Secretary: Women Should Have to Register for Draft
EDITOR’S NOTE: Societies that attempt to achieve “full and pure equality” soon cease to exist. There has never been, and never can be, such a thing. And, if there could be such a thing, it would be undesirable and harmful. IN LIGHT OF the Pentagon’s recent decision to open all jobs…

U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Sexual Abuse of Boys by Afghan Allies
The depraved regime in Washington often empowers the worst creatures on Earth in its crazed pursuit of Israel’s agenda.
IN HIS last phone call home, Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr. told his father what was troubling him: From his bunk in southern Afghanistan, he could hear Afghan police officers…

Czech Republic Advocates Use of Army to Protect Borders
THE EU could better protect itself from migrants if it had a common army, Czech president Milos Zeman said Tuesday (25 August), while the Czech finance minister, Andrej Babis, called for the closure of the Schengen area’s external borders and for NATO help. (ILLUSTRATION: A Belgian ship during…

Dr. Pierce on the Meaning and Importance of Loyalty
by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured)
The Meaning of Loyalty
AN OFTEN MADE comment by students of human behavior is that soldiers in combat do not fight for their general or their country or their god or any other impersonal entity; they fight for each other, for those with whom they are in immediate, daily…