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Dresden: A Real Holocaust
An American Dissident Voices classic broadcast
by Kevin Alfred Strom
EVERY FEBRUARY, we remember the Holocaust of Dresden.
Yesterday, I received a letter from a listener, J.B. in Great Britain, who has written a poem about that day…

The Beast as Saint: The Truth About Martin Luther King
Just click here to download a high-resolution PDF flier of this exposé, print it out in any quantity desired, and get the truth out to hundreds or thousands of people in your community.
by Kevin Alfred Strom (the text of a speech given by Mr. Strom in 1994 on the nationwide radio program, American Dissident…

The Core of Western Music
by Jeff Hilton
A READER HAS asked me to recommend a list of recordings of Western music performed by Western musicians. During long and hard cogitation I have made lists of the Ten Greatest Recordings and the Hundred Greatest Recordings, but these lists are too personal and include many recordings that…

Internet “Movement” Forums
by National Alliance staff
NATIONAL ALLIANCE MEMBERS SHOULD be aware that many popular “pro-White” Internet forums and discussion groups are riddled with dissension, false drama, anonymous rumors, probable infiltrators, and defeatism. Most of them are best avoided.
One anonymous keyboard warrior…

On the “Aesthetics” of Modernity
by Mark Citadel
IF WE AFFIRM an objective aesthetic, that in the appearance of corporeal entities and elements there exist combinations that can be counted as objectively beautiful, and others that can be counted as objectively ugly, we can expose much of the Modern World as being aesthetically deficient.…

Our Weapon: The Truth
by Hadding Scott
SOME OF our people seem to regard honesty as an impediment. More than that, they think it is clever, having ascertained the crooked practices of some of our racial adversaries, to do as they do. This is a wrong attitude.
The tactics that have been used by our enemies will not always work…

The Upward Path
by John Calhoun
SO YOU have decided to devote your life to the cause of the White Race. I commend you on that. I want to tell you that our cause is not for the weak, nor is it for the egoistic. Many self-proclaimed “Führers” and “Aryan Warriors” have come before you. Though they…

A Program for a New America
by Dr. William L. Pierce
THE TOPIC I announced for tonight is a little misleading. I said I intended to talk about “A Program for a New America,” but a more accurate title would be “Why We Haven’t Yet Announced a Program for a New America.” That is apparently a subject which is on the minds of a great many people.…

Classic Audio: Fundamentals for Victory
A Cosmotheist lecture given by Dr. William Pierce on October 24, 1976 at the office of the National Alliance in Arlington, Virginia
by Dr. William L. Pierce″ text=”Listen: Fundamentals for Victory”]…

Building Our Community of Consciousness
by Dr. William L. Pierce
I TALKED TO YOU last time about what we want to accomplish, in the way of building our movement, in the next few years. The essence of what I said is this: the goals which lie before us are not political goals in the ordinary sense. We are not thinking now in terms of having won over a certain…