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Those Quirky Arab Oil Sheikdoms
by John Massaro FIRST OF ALL, let’s define Arab, a word that has an unpleasant ring to American ears thanks to many years of Jewish media brainwashing modeled on Pavlov’s dogs. An Arab is someone who speaks Arabic. It is a linguistic term, not a racial term, because there’s no such thing as the Arab race.…
Morocco, Land of Endless Hassles – part 1
by John Massaro BEFORE I BEGIN TELLING YOU about Morocco, a country in its own league, let me wrap up my overall impressions of the Arab world, which encompasses a large chunk of the Middle East and stretches across the entire Mediterranean littoral of north Africa and deep into the Sahara Desert. If you’ve…
Official: 75% of Berlin Criminals are Arabs
AT LEAST 75 per cent. — and likely much more — of all criminals in the German capital of Berlin are Arab “immigrants” and their German-born descendants, new official figures have shown. The statistics, contained in a report by the Bild newspaper under the heading “Berlin Capitulates!…
Horse Sense
by Revilo P. Oliver OUR RACIAL history begins when Aryan warriors, astride their steeds, rode out of the misty dark of an unrecoverable past. And the destiny of our race was indissolubly dependent on horses in both war and peace until cavalry was relegated to an auxiliary function in the First World War…
Not Only in the West: Jews Also Demand Censorship of Books in the Arab World
Simon Wiesenthal Center demands that Muslims regard criticism of Jews as “on the same level as offenses to Islam.” THOSE WHO ATTENDED the annual Riyadh International Book Fair in Saudi Arabia which ended last week could pick up a copy of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf in Arabic along…
Jews are Racial Aliens, Say Researchers
Jews are a mixed race, but all Jews, Ashkenazi or Sephardic, have very significant commonalities with each other and with other Middle Eastern Semites such as Arabs. by Hadding Scott ONE OF THE RESEARCHERS involved in this study of genetic similarity between Jews and Arabs, Dr. Mark Jobling, denies…
Orthodox Jews Warn Non-Jews: “Stay Away from Jewish Girls”
Jews promote racial mixing in all White countries and harass or prosecute Whites trying to keep our race pure, yet they have their own massive anti-mixing and anti-assimilation movement — and the Jewish-controlled media say almost nothing about it. THE ISRAELI ORGANIZATION Lehava (an acronym…
The Jewish Plan of Genocide for the Gentiles
by David Sims THE BIGGEST MISTAKE the Arabs ever made was accepting a truce requested by the Jews in 1948. Arabs were invading everywhere and Egypt had fought its way to Ashdod. It looked like the Arabs were going to win…. And then, just because the Jews asked, the Arabs stopped fighting to talk.…
Trump’s Religion Test for Immigrants is Standard Practice in Israel
THE WIDESPREAD political condemnation of Donald Trump’s call for a ban on Muslims entering the United States and for surveillance of mosques was pretty great yesterday. American leaders left and right said that such policies are unconstitutional and counter to U.S. values. “Donald Trump is a race-baiting,…
Jewish Prayer Calls for Holocaust of Non-Jews
“A Holocaust for Ishmael” by Dr. William L. Pierce ACCORDING to the Old Testament story, Ishmael was the son of the proto-Hebrew Abraham by his Egyptian concubine Hagar. Abraham later had a son, or so he claimed, by his Hebrew wife Sarah, when he was 100 years old. This second son, Isaac,…