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Critical Race Theory and its Evil Progeny Are All About Hatred of Whites
by H. Millard DON’T BE confused about Critical Race Theory (and some similar theories and beliefs), as some so-called conservatives seem to be. Critical Race Theory (CRT) may have tinges of Marxism, Communism, Leftism, liberalism, and even Democratic Party thinking but, at its core, Critical…

Canada: Anti-White Hysteria Over Deaths at WW1-era Indian Schools
THERE ARE much better explanations for the deaths at Indian Residential Schools than those given by the Jewish-controlled and government media. (ILLUSTRATION: photo of Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops) Over the last two weeks of June, 2021, Canadian radio and television have been going hysterical…

You’re ‘Acting Like Some of Us Are Guilty for Just Existing’: Watch Student Defy Woke School Board in Front of Parents
Race matters. Taylor is brave, but hobbled by his Christianity and by still thinking in the “equality is good” frame he’s been marinating in for his entire life. He’s halfway to the full truth: We as a race …

by Tanstaafl MORE fictitious conflict – alt-Jews screeching at alt-Jews about how dangerous a world full of toxic Jewing is for Jews. Claire Lehmann (founder of alt-Jew organ Quillette): James Lindsay is now peddling White Genocide Theory. Implying that a genocide against whites in the US is imminent…

New York Psychiatrist: ‘I Dream of Unloading a Revolver Into the Head of Any White Person Who Gets in My Way’
A NEW YORK-BASED psychiatrist who was invited by Yale University to give a talk titled “Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind” told the audience that she had fantasized about ‘unloading a revolver into the head of any white person’ who got in her way.″…

Kenny Bayless: Anti-White Cheating in Boxing
FIRST AND FOREMOST: congratulations to Josh Taylor on becoming undisputed world light welterweight boxing champion last weekend. He now joins the likes of fellow Scot Ken Buchanan, Joe Calzaghe, Jimmy Wilde and Tom Cribb on the list of the all-time great British pugilists and is only the sixth man…

Jews Turn Disney Into Engine of Hate
TAKE OFF the Mouse ears. It’s okay to say goodbye to Mickey. The Walt Disney who interviewed Wehrner Von Braun in the 1950s, compelling America to go to the stars, is dead. Where once the heavens were the goal of Walt Disney, now his namesake is entirely dedicated to the advancement of anti-whiteness in…

Jews Hunting Tucker
by Tanstaafl IN THE same way the Jewsmedia presents Michael Brown and George Floyd as exemplars of White “racism”, it presents Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson as exemplars of White supremacism and nationalism. The absurd weakness of the exemplars the Jewsmedia selects to support their narratives…

We Can’t Live This Way
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 13 March, 2021 2021-0313 – We Can’t Live This Way.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom First, let me say that I am very aware that this ADV broadcast is late, and I don’t like that. But the production…

Anti-White Jewing’s Regime Change
by Tanstaafl And now, a rise in political extremism, White supremacy, domestic terrorism that we must confront and we will defeat.– Joe Biden, 20 January 2021 NEW kikeservative-in-chief, Jew-led war on Whites intensifies, Jews hardest hit. The highlights… January 6th – The Capitol Insurrection.…