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Waukesha: Just Around the Corner from Kenosha
Anti-White murderer and Black Lives Matter supporter Darrell Brooks and his maroon SUV: Taking direct aim at White teens and children and elderly in a Christmas parade — six have died so far; Jew-run MSNBC says this was an “accident.” The National Alliance demands that Brooks be…

Tennessee Williams’ Baby Doll (1956)
The 1956 premiere of playwright Tennessee Williams’ anti-Southern film Baby Doll. by Andrew Hamilton SOUTHERN playwright Tennessee Williams, “a descendant of hardy East Tennessee pioneer stock,” is considered, together with Irish American Eugene O’Neill, and Jewish Arthur Miller, to…

Curb Your Enthusiasm
H. P. Lovecraft with Felis by Andrew Hamilton A THOUGHT has been lurking in the back of my mind for some time. In terms of fiction, and even outside it (with the notable exception of H. P. Lovecraft), were certain authors reflexively embraced as soul mates by White conservatives and racialists, in reality…

Violent Opinions
AS OUR ancestral homeland commits Semitic suicide, we can take solace in the awesome power of muh constitution, which will protect us and stand forever, just like all our physical monuments. Our enemies are sure to respect the stern warnings on yellow toilet paper written in the distant past by evil…

Out in the Open
Jennifer Rubin: One cannot help but wonder if, perhaps, there are both slaves and slave-traders in her woodpile. In any case, she hates Whites, and that makes her superplusdoublegood in the unreality of the mediasphere. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 28 August, 2021…

Whites Cheering Because the White Population Is Shrinking
by H. Millard BY NOW you’ve probably heard about Jimmy Fallon telling his audience that Whites are in decline, and how the audience — composed mostly of White people — cheered this fact. So, what is one to make of this? What was wrong with these putative White people who cheered about…

The Twilight of Civil War
by Douglas Mercer WHITE AMERICANS ARE now that strangest of things, almost unknown to human history: a persecuted majority. You can’t say our enemies’ mask is beginning to slip because it’s been slipping for quite some time now; indeed, by now it’s completely off and all…

You Can’t Convert Non-Whites Into Whites — So Stop Trying
by H. Millard LISTEN UP you Great White Mothers (GWMs) and you Great White Fathers (GWFs) of this generation. We see you. You are the present generation of those like you in prior generations who tried to convert Native Americans — Red people — into White people inside by stealing their children…

by H. Millard IT’S FUNNY, but sad, to read some of the comments from Whites relating to articles about events such as segregated college graduations and various other events demanded by “People of Color” (POC) in which Whites are barred, or are forced to pay “reparations”…

Zero Days Without Jewish Tricks
by Douglas Mercer ZERO DAYS without Jewish tricks: That’s pretty much the reality no matter when you start counting.
Veit Harlan was the foremost film director in National Socialist Germany. After the war he was put on trial for “crimes against humanity” simply for having made…
Veit Harlan was the foremost film director in National Socialist Germany. After the war he was put on trial for “crimes against humanity” simply for having made…