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The Utter Alienness of Our Jewish Overlords – Part II
Note: See Part I of this series here For those of us schooled in the Jewish Problem, it gets extremely tiresome to hear civic nationalists and kosher conservatives co-opt Western identity by speaking of the alleged “Judeo-Christian” foundation of the West as if the West’s origin…

Ukraine: National Police Demand Names of City’s Jews
The “offending” letter: Apparently, Jews should be immune from investigation, whether they are engaged in organized crime or not. Police officials, who always seem to know everyone’s address, should not, however, be allowed to know where Jews live. Very interesting. Demand…

Soon It Will Be Illegal Not to Love Jews
Elan Carr, right, with friend Actual headline in Jewish newspaper yesterday: “US Will Push Countries to Love Their Jews More, Anti-Semitism Monitor Says” “THE OPPOSITE of anti-Semitism is not tolerance,” Elan Carr, the US “anti-Semitism monitor,” said. “The opposite…

Pittsburgh: University President Makes it Clear – We Will Produce Leo Frank Play and Do Anything Else You Tell Us to Do
Point Park University president Paul Hennigan (pictured) doesn’t want anyone to misunderstand: When the biggest, richest lobby tells us to jump, we ask only “how high?” Here’s the eminent academic’s guest column given him in the Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle. The play “Parade” — which a large number…

New Document Reveals How Jews Manufactured Corbyn “Anti-Semitism” Hysteria In Quest For Power
Euan Philipps UK LABOUR’S election of Keir Starmer, a self-described Zionist with close familial ties to Jewry, is a drastic establishment repudiation of Corbynism. The elements of the Judeo-Left who did everything in their power to betray their own party and cause Jeremy Corbyn to lose through…

by George Mackenzie THE GREATEST mass fear in the US is not Islamophobia. It’s not homophobia. It’s not even xenophobia. It’s Semitophobia. Fear of the Jewish Power Cabal. No other group comes close at provoking as much fear in almost the entirety of the population as Jews. Even the slightest suggestion…

Jews Renew Demand That World Stop Noticing that They Have ‘Distinctive Noses’
WHEN A prominent American historian employed at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., recently made an innocuous joke about Jewish noses, she apparently sent Jews worldwide into panic mode: In a tweet on December 17, 2019, Dr. Rebecca Erbelding, a staff historian at the United States…

Two Ridiculously False Narratives
Reason and sanity personified, trust me. by David Sims NOT MANY people really believe the Politically Correct leftist narrative about race. But many people do think that everybody else believes it. The leftist propaganda, disseminated to the general public by the Jewish-owned mass media, have given…

Attorney General Barr: “Zero Tolerance for Anti-Semitism”
William Barr ATTORNEY GENERAL William Barr, who is of half-Jewish ancestry, ordered federal prosecutors across the U.S. to step up their efforts to combat “anti-Semitic hate crimes” as he met with Jewish leaders in Brooklyn, New York, on Tuesday. Barr even suggested that a recent “case”…

Unraveling the Mystery of “Anti-Semitism”
by David Sims MOST “anti-Semitic” statements are true. You’ll have noticed that Jews usually object to the “anti-Semitism” of someone’s remarks while totally avoiding the question of their truthfulness or falseness. There’s only one obvious reason…