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Anti-Islamic Protests


by Michael Walsh OURS WAS a far different world when in 1983 I added conventional media to my writing output. There was then neither Internet nor independent broadcasting. The few Spartans defending our race did much but achieved little. Until the onset of the Internet, the media’s palace scribes ruled…
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by Michael Walsh WHILST MEDIA TRY to keep the lid on news of growing dissent, there is foreboding of seismic change among the 28 nations of the splintering European Union. The collapse of the Euro is openly discussed, as is grim acceptance that the political elite won’t be “infallible”…
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by Michael Walsh NO THANKS to the media, we Europeans are kept very much in the dark as to what is happening even in our own backyard. The unelected elite of Brussels maintain the illusion that one size fits all. In fact, the European Union is a house divided. To the west are the dumbed-down pseudo-democracies.…
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FROM Deutsche Welle: The police state is also out in force. (ILLUSTRATION: Over 12,000 anti-refugee and ‘anti-Islamic Europe’ demonstrators filled the Theaterplatz by the famous Semperoper tonight, while only about 1000 counter-demonstrators showed up to shout down what they…
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