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Espionage and Anthrax
by Dr. William L. Pierce LET’S TALK ABOUT the mass media again today. Specifically, let’s discuss the consequences of the Jewish control of the media, the sort of thing that Billy Graham and Richard Nixon saw taking America “down the drain” 30 years ago.
I raise this subject…

The Anthrax Mystery: Solved
by Robert Pate ON OCTOBER 4, 2001, reporters in Florida announced the first case in 25 years of a person contracting the deadly bacterium anthrax. The following day, Robert Stevens, the photo editor of the Florida-based tabloid Sun, died. His death was the beginning of the Anthrax Mystery, America’s…

Anthrax Mistake Grows as 51 Labs May Have Received Live Spores From US Military
The competence of the regime is declining noticeably. THE PENTAGON now believes that at least 51 labs in 17 states, the District of Columbia and three countries may have mistakenly received live anthrax from U.S. military stocks. Senior Pentagon officials expect the numbers to increase as additional…