Posts Tagged
Andrew Cuomo

My Buddy Andrew Cuomo
by John Massaro THERE ARE POLITICIANS and then there are politicians. Nearly all of them are useless, but there are some that are so low that they seem like fictional characters out of a bad novel, because most of us have never been acquainted with such creatures. Most American adults are probably familiar…

Flaying Their Forgetful Servant
Fat lot of good this did you, traitor. Didn’t you know that the Jews’ motto isn’t “What have you done for us?” — it’s “What have you done for us lately?” by David Sims NEW YORK Governor Andrew Cuomo has become a textbook case of Jewish vengeance…

COVID-19: What’s It All About?
by John Massaro I THINK it’s safe to say that nearly every visitor to this site believes next to nothing that comes out of the mouths of politicians and journalists. So let me begin this discussion by stating that, in my opinion, this so-called corona virus pandemic is not a medical event but a media…