Posts Tagged
Ancient Greece

Revilo Oliver’s Reflections on the Christ Myth, part 5
European Man has borne the weight of the Jewish Bible on his back for far too long. The works of Revilo Oliver can free us. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 12 October, 2024 introduced by Kevin Alfred Strom THIS WEEK WE PRESENT PART FIVE of Revilo Pendleton Oliver’s “Reflections on…

Revilo Oliver’s Reflections on the Christ Myth, part 4
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 5 October, 2024 introduced by Kevin Alfred Strom TODAY IN PART FOUR of Revilo Pendleton Oliver’s “Reflections on the Christ Myth,” we present the section entitled “Stoicism,” a look at a philosophy and moral system that achieved…

The Future Is Coming
by Douglas Mercer IN HIS book The Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans, Hans F.K. Gunther noted that the signature of the Indo-European mentality is a kind of supernatural calm which cannot be disturbed. There is that, for sure. But there is also Teutonic berserker rage. Divine serenity: Aphrodite…

Who We Are #10 — Hellenes and Dorians
by Dr. William L. Pierce
Last Nordic Invasion of Greece Precedes Rise of Classical Civilization Dorians Brought Iron, New Blood to Greece Athenian Democracy Led to Downfall
GREECE WAS INVADED by Greek-speaking Northerners several times during prehistory. Those who arrived in the period 2,100-1,900…

Plato’s Racial Republic
Plato Republic (Robin Waterfield Trans.) New York: Oxford University Press, 1994 a review by Guillaume Durocher EGALITARIANS HAVE argued that notions of nation and race are largely modern constructs. Marxists in particular have typically claimed that Western ruling classes invented these ideas…

Famed Chinese Terracotta Warriors Could Have Been Made with the Help of the Greeks, Archaeologists Reveal
WESTERN EXPLORERS settled in China more than 1,500 years earlier than experts had believed, new research has revealed, after archaeologists found the famous Terracotta Warriors could have been made with the help of the Greeks. (ILLUSTRATION: Dan Snow presents the show about the Terracotta Warriors.)…

A Review of “The Mighty Dead: Why Homer Matters” by Adam Nicolson, Part 1
THE MIGHTY DEAD: Why Homer Matters is an example of that non-fiction genre so reviled by the anti-White establishment: books that celebrate the European past and the rich and world-transforming culture that emerged from it. Foundational to this culture are the Homeric epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey…

The Black Bluff
by David Sims HOAXES ABOUT BLACK achievement go back quite a ways. A Black commenter on YouTube took exception to my remarks about the intellectual deficiencies of his race and haughtily directed my attention to the Dogon people, a Black African tribe, who “taught advanced astronomical knowledge…