Posts Tagged
American Jews

“New World Order” Pledged to World Jewry in 1940
In 1940, an article appeared in the New York Times, vowing that a postwar “New World Order” would be created. World Jewry would be central to the building of this order, said Arthur Greenwood, who was a member of Churchill’s War Cabinet at the time.
ARTHUR GREENWOOD was a Labour Party…

France to Pay $60 Million to World’s Richest Ethnic Group in “Holocaust” Shakedown
Jews used US government to put economic pressure on France and French railway to capitulate and give millions in “compensation” to Jews because they rode French trains to supposed “death camps” — N.B.: They are apparently still alive in large numbers.

2016: “Most Jewish” Presidential Campaign in History
America is the most Judaized country on Earth.
A PRESIDENTIAL HISTORIAN and former White House staffer told an Aug. 11 gathering in Long Branch that the 2016 presidential race is shaping up to be the “most Jewish” in history. (ILLUSTRATION: Political historian Dr. Tevi Troy said it almost seems as…

Chemi Shalev: American Jews Must Oppose Trump’s Immigration Policy
by Kevin MacDonald
A HAARETZ columnist, Chemi Shalev (pictured), complains that Jewish organizations have not been up in arms about Donald Trump’s proposed immigration policy. The reason Jewish organizations must act is because over 90 years ago the US passed an immigration restriction bill…