Posts Tagged
American History

A Lynching You’ve Never Heard Of
San Francisco Chronicle Extra: “Kidnappers Lynched!” Royce Brier’s eyewitness account of the lynchings in the left-hand column, “Mob Storms Jail, Hangs Slayers in San Jose Square,” won the Pulitzer Prize for Reporting. by Andrew Hamilton Although most Americans probably equate the term “lynch…

The Long March
Replacement migration. by Andrew Hamilton WITH THE accession to power of the Roosevelt regime in 1933, and the defeat of Germany and the rapid expansion of global Communism by the Allies after 1945, America became a de facto Jewish-run state, ruled by a new class obsessed with undermining and destroying…

American Founding
The National Monument to the Forefathers (pre-vandalism) by Douglas Mercer IN 1620 some good and brave men set foot on the North American continent, a continent which their descendants would conquer — conquer on our behalf. Their goal was to found a new nation. They certainly had some odd notions…

Zero White Guilt
by David Sims The following note was sent to someone who thinks that White people should apologize to the other races, and give to them ground and the right-of-way. AMERICA SPENT the first 120 years of its history fighting Indians, not harmonizing with them. It spent almost as much of its early period…

US History: The Whiskey Rebels’ Conception of Liberty
THE CURE for Indian troubles favored by the frontiersmen was extermination of the Indians, and from this policy they rarely deviated either in theory or practice. In their minds it was a simple problem of choosing which race should survive, and they did not hesitate to choose. There has never been a time…

Backcountry Futurism, or the Albion Seed Theory of American Cultural Determinism, part 2
by Blake Hood Backcountry History I WILL REFRAIN from delving too deeply into original customs of the Borderers. Fisher himself has already done great work on this which you can find here. But it is important to this theory that one understands exactly when these people arrived in America and where…

Backcountry Futurism, or the Albion Seed Theory of American Cultural Determinism, part 1
by Blake Hood WHAT DOES Backcountry Futurism mean? Backcountry futurism is an idea I have been playing around with in my head for the last year or so. It grew out of my conviction that Albion’s Seed is not only a penetrating look into American’s past, but it may actually predict our future as well. As I reread…

The White Man’s Land
A new video from the National Alliance THE men and women of the National Alliance believe that the future is what we make it. We believe that we, as free and conscious agents, have an absolute responsibility for all those elements of the world around us over which we are capable of exercising control: for…

Once a Great Nation
by Douglas Mercer THE AMERICAN Empire is dead; America is dead; and only the hopelessly naïve will mourn its passing. Death to America — the evil empire. It looks like we hightailed it out of Afghanistan with our tails between our legs in Keystone Cops fashion. Twenty years of our blood and countless…

An American Travesty
Myrdal and the book he was commissioned to write by Douglas Mercer THE LIBERAL maggots at the Carnegie Institute once put their high-powered prestige and their bottomless pool of money directly behind an assault on White America. The treatment of the Negro is America’s greatest and most conspicuous…