Posts Tagged
American Dissident Voices

Enemies of Liberty
by Dr. William L. Pierce
IT HAS BEEN SAID that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance. That makes sense to me. I believe it’s true. But it certainly isn’t good news for America. It’s not good news because eternal vigilance is simply too high a price for most Americans today. They’re…

David Geffen, Steven Spielberg, and Bill Clinton
by Dr. William L. Pierce
I REFERRED to Steven Spielberg’s new film, Saving Private Ryan, in my talk with you last week. We talked about the way in which that film — and every other film about the Second World war which has come out of Hollywood — have perpetuated the myth — the…

Exposing the Warmongers
by Dr. William L. Pierce
EVERY EVENING when I have turned on the television news during the past few weeks, the message has had the same theme: Saddam Hussein must be stopped! Saddam Hussein is a danger to America! We must destroy Saddam Hussein! About the only difference I’ve noticed in these…

The Tragedy of Chautauqua County
by Dr. William L. Pierce
A COUPLE OF WEEKS AGO we were treated to yet another case of a Black sexual predator with AIDS infecting as many White girls as possible with his lethal disease by having sex with them. Nushawn Williams, a small-time drug dealer, car thief, armed robber, and would-be “rap…

The Lesson of Haiti
by Dr. William L. Pierce
THIS MONTH the last of the United Nations “peacekeeping” troops in Haiti will leave, and the Haitians will be given yet another chance to try to govern themselves. The “peacekeepers” occupied Haiti, along with 23,000 U.S. troops, three years ago,…

The Wrecking of Our Schools
by Dr. William L. Pierce
ABOUT A MONTH ago the Clintonistas celebrated the 40th anniversary of one of the proudest moments in the history of America’s march toward the New World Order, a moment whose memory makes every Clintonista misty-eyed and brings a lump to his throat. That was the moment…

Promise Keepers
by Dr. William L. Pierce
IF YOU WATCH the news on television regularly, I’m sure you saw the huge get-together of so-called “Promise Keepers” in Washington a couple of weeks ago: hundreds of thousands of mostly White men hugging each other, holding hands, and rocking back and forth…

In Your Ear, Mr. Clinton!
by Dr. William L. Pierce
EVER SINCE two Israeli terrorists, acting on direct orders from the prime minister of Israel, attempted to murder an Islamic religious leader in Jordan by squirting an especially nasty poison into his ear, I’ve been waiting to hear what the reaction of the politicians…

The Slippery Minority
by Dr. William L. Pierce
EVER SINCE HE started his campaign to “pull America together” this summer, I’ve been observing Bill Clinton’s antics in this campaign with some interest. Mr. Clinton, remember, is a democrat. He is the leader of the party which claims, even more…

The Wages of Liberalism
by Dr. William L. Pierce
THERE WAS A major article on South Africa in last week’s London Sunday Times. The article was written by the Times Johannesburg correspondent Andrew Malone, and it was titled “Blacks Turn Their Anger on Mandela.” The gist of the article was that as the South…