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The Three American Eras
by Revilo P. Oliver
THE JEWS ARE a unique race, parasitic and predatory, evidently formed from hybrid stock (including, according to Mourant’s haematological analysis, c. 10% of Congoid blood) in the way described in Sir Arthur Keith’s theory of human evolution.
The parasites find, seemingly by…

What’s Wrong with the Swedes — and so Many Other Whites?
by Kevin MacDonald
ANOTHER IN THE unending list of suicidal behavior by Swedes, this one by Cecilia Wilkström (pictured), a Member of the European Parliament for the center-right (!) Liberal Party, who is concerned about the recent drownings in the Mediterranean of Africans attempting to invade…

Has the White Race Become Too Liberal to Survive?
This editorial is a condensation of a talk given by Dr. William Pierce (pictured) at the weekly Sunday-evening meeting of Washington-area members, supporters, and friends of the National Alliance on June 5, 1977.
by Dr. William L. Pierce
IF YOU HAVEN’T yet read Jean Raspail’s best-selling…

The Three American Eras
by Revilo P. Oliver
THE JEWS ARE a unique race, parasitic and predatory, evidently formed from hybrid stock (including, according to Mourant’s haematological analysis, c. 10% of Congoid blood) in the way described in Sir Arthur Keith’s theory of human evolution.
The parasites find,…