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Why the Negro Will Never Leave the Plantation
Here we see “Wakanda,” which, like everything else in Jewish Hollywood, isn’t real. THIS IS AN article for everyone. Yes, I speak to you too on this occasion, Black man! Make no mistake though, I do not speak for you, nor should you want me to. I have no time for you, Black man, but you…

The Jews Who Run the (Supposedly) Alternative Media
Herding conservatives so they will serve the Jewish agenda THROUGH MY YEARS of experience with the alternative media I believe I have become pretty good at detecting disinformation. During the Trump campaign I found myself at my wits end seeing and listening to endless drivel about how Donald Trump…

Is Tara McCarthy White?
by Andrew Hamilton Related story: “Should Lauren Southern Be Married?” IT IS A MISTAKE to assume we always know who’s White and who isn’t, that it is an easy thing to discern, something we don’t need to think about and can just take for granted. Replacement migration, rapidly changing demographics,…

Resolution Radio Interviews Kevin Alfred Strom, part 1
American Dissident Voices broadcast of December 16, 2017 by Kevin Alfred Strom YOU’VE HEARD me interview people; this time you’re going to hear someone interview me — and pick my brain a little bit. Sonny Thomas…

Should Lauren Southern Be Married?
Plus, the story behind the pretty face by Andrew Hamilton THE QUESTION in the title applies to all young White women roughly Lauren Southern’s age. (She’s 22.) I’m playing off her recent YouTube video “Why I’m Not Married” (November 23, 2017; 315,000 views) because it offers a useful hook. Southern…

A Note on So-Called White Supremacist Terror
by Hadding Scott FOR SEVERAL YEARS now there has been an effort (for example, by the SPLC) to redirect some of the paranoia about terrorism that developed after 9/11 into a persecution of White racial advocates, on the premise that “White supremacists” commit a significant amount of terrorism.…

The Black Pill: Yockey and the End of History
by James Shellshear FRANCIS PARKER Yockey was born a hundred years ago this year, and his masterpiece, Imperium, was written seventy years ago. It is appropriate, then, to re-examine Yockey’s work and ask the question: Did his predictions turn out to be right? Yockey believed, at the time of writing …

Syndrome of a Down
PLEASE WATCH the amazing video above. Be sure to dislike and leave comments. This is what our enemy has been reduced to. They were always this weak. A “Rage Against the Machine” tribute band performs completely limp nu-metal while a singer that one Jewtube commentator described as a “144…

World War 2: Battling the People of the Lie, part 2
American Dissident Voices broadcast of April 1, 2017
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THE AMORPHOUS disunited non-group dubbed the “alt right” and defined mainly by a rejection of Political Correctness and a wish that Donald Trump…

The White Right Took Over, so David Brock Plans A “New Twitter”
How the controversial Clinton operative plans to ‘monetize’ political advocacy
ANTI-WHITE LEFTIST conspirator and media manipulator David Brock wants to charge users for a “Twitter-like” website exclusively for so-called “progressives,” one of his many ideas to…