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The Alienated Society
by Dr. William L. Pierce (1973) ONE THING which the Watergate affair clearly demonstrates is that the same alienation which has swept millions of dropped-out young Americans into the drug-ridden “counter-culture” pervades our entire society, even to the Oval Office in Washington and the boardrooms…
Mike Wallace’s Lesson
Media Jew Mike Wallace by Dr. William L. Pierce LAST WEEK I was on the CBS program 60 Minutes II, with Mike Wallace. I also was on 60 Minutes five years ago, and both times I came away with the same feeling of unreality, the feeling that I had just been talking to an alien from Mars instead of to another person…
Diversity is THEIR Strength: The Elites’ War on Humanity
by Dr. William L. Pierce THREE OR FOUR years ago the slogan most diligently promoted by the controlled mass media was “diversity is our strength.” Posters with this slogan and a broad, multi-hued band of stripes representing skin colors of various races were displayed in classrooms and…
Individualism and Alienation
by Dr. William L. Pierce MOST OF THE COMMENTS I receive from listeners are very supportive, but I do get some hate mail as well. Most of the hate mail is either nutcase stuff from people who have some personal problem which they project onto me, or it’s from lemmings who are very indignant that I’m…
Lies, Murder, and Jews
by Dr. William L. Pierce TODAY, before we begin talking about the murders being committed by our government overseas, let’s note a few things about some murders committed recently in America. I’m thinking of the murders at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, last week, in which…
Look Carefully at This Picture: Jews Did This
by Kevin Alfred Strom
LOOK CAREFULLY at this picture. It is shocking. A White couple, far from old, with a four-year-old child — a White couple whose life was so empty, purposeless, and full of despair and sadness that the only way out they could see was the oblivion of narcotic drugs.
Jews are responsible…
The Making of a White Liberal
HAVE YOU EVER wondered why there aren’t more White Nationalists? There have been dozens of failed experiments in racial ‘equality.’ From the period of decolonialization to the fall of White South Africa we have seen these policies fail again and again. [1] In the United States…