Posts Tagged
Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Books and Freedom
by Dr. William L. Pierce
A LISTENER SENT ME a clipping from the New York Times last month, the November 14 edition, and I just got around to reading it. It’s the obituary of a writer and Harvard professor, Dr Richard Marius. Marius had a pretty unremarkable career: a Southern Baptist divinity school…

The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds Audio Book: Alexander Solzhenitsyn
by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury TODAY WE bring you Vanessa Neubauer’s new audio book — chapter 15 — of The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, which discusses Dr. William Pierce’s exploration and critique of the work of the great Russian intellectual Alexander…
for The American Mercury TODAY WE bring you Vanessa Neubauer’s new audio book — chapter 15 — of The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, which discusses Dr. William Pierce’s exploration and critique of the work of the great Russian intellectual Alexander…

Solzhenitsyn on Infiltrators in Dissident Groups
by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
I HAD NOT YET even heard the word “nasedka” — “stool pigeon” — nor learned that there had to be one such “stool pigeon” in each cell. And I had not yet had time to think things over and conclude that I did not like this fellow, Georgi Kramarenko. But a spiritual relay,…

Solzhenitsyn: Ahead of His Time
Great writer appealed to leadership on the basis that “you are not alien to your origins, to your fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers, to the expanses of your homeland…”
PROBABLY THE MOST VITAL — and certainly the most numinous — piece of political writing…

Solzhenitsyn and the Liberals
by Dr. William L. Pierce
WHEN ALEXANDER SOLZHENITSYN, the Russian dissident writer who was exiled by the Soviet government in February, recently shouted at a group of Western newsmen, “You are worse than the KGB (Soviet secret police, equivalent to our FBI),” they were understandably hurt. After…

Marxism’s Essence Bared
The Gulag Archipelago: Part II, by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
reviewed by Nick Camerota
TO MANY OF US, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn is as much an enigma as present-day Russia. A.S. (he is famous enough for elevation to the “initials only” caste) seems, at times, a contradictory ideological amalgam.…

Writer Solzhenitsyn Lived in Fear After Exile
SOVIET DISSIDENT writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn (pictured) lived in fear of the KGB for years after his exile from the Soviet Union – even as the FBI was secretly watching him, newly disclosed documents reveal.
The Nobel Prize-winning author’s FBI file shows that the U.S. law enforcement agency closely,…