Posts Tagged
Alan Dershowitz

The Scrape
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 30 September, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom AS HE CONTINUES his feud with Jewish thug Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL over the censorship Greenblatt demands on X, Elon Musk has decided that his best tactic now is to show just how much he loves Jews — which he might…

Vile! Alan Dershowitz Smears Epstein Victim as “Anti-Semitic”
Ultrazionist Jewish advocate, friend of Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump, and accused child rapist Alan Dershowitz, left. Center, a young Maria Farmer around the time she was being sexually abused by Epstein; right, Maria Farmer today, fighting cancer in the hospital. JEFFREY Epstein’s…

Trumpery to the Sixth Power
The President of the United States, Donald Trump, and his lawyer Alan Dershowitz in a recent photograph: Dershowitz was also Jeffrey Epstein’s lawyer and close associate. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 25 January, 2020 by Kevin Alfred Strom…

Trump Labor Nominee Acosta Agreed Not to Prosecute Jeffrey Epstein
Jewish billionaire sex predator Epstein molested White teens and pre-teens thousands of times, yet was given a sweetheart non-prosecution deal by Acosta after the intervention of Alan Dershowitz. LOOK FOR THIS ONE to be front and center, once Trump’s newly named pick for labor secretary, Alexander…

Jeffrey Epstein: More Light
American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 24, 2015 by Kevin Alfred Strom THERE ARE a lot of names in Jeffrey Epstein’s “little black book.” Epstein is the billionaire Jewish oligarch who used hundreds of White…

Jeffrey Epstein: The Uncovering
American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 17, 2015 by Kevin Alfred Strom BACK IN 1999, the maverick Jewish director Stanley Kubrick — who once famously said that “Adolf Hitler got almost everything right”…