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All those who think that Russia and Iran are the premier “dangerous forces for evil who must be stopped” should cut their mind-control cables and research what Washington and Tel Aviv are up to. THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is determined to bio-engineer artificial insects, having demonstrated…
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Excerpted from the essay “Folk and Land” by Wulf Grimwald NS-GERMANY was the only major modern effort to address the decline of the Western Civilization, and to attempt an answer to the question of how to maintain a progressive, technological State yet return the Folk to the “Springtime” of its youth.…
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Classic Essays

by William Gayley Simpson THERE MUST be a homestead. And a homestead is more than a mere house located in the country. It must be at least a house that a man securely owns, and in connection with which he owns also a shop or land enough to make of him and his holding a significant unit of production. The homestead…
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by Nelson Rosit Introduction YOU’RE NOT really a survivalist, perhaps not even a reluctant prepper, but if you’re reading these words you probably harbor serious doubts about the long-term viability of the present system. With this in mind individuals and families should, at the very least,…
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Although this article fails to mention race, its racial implications are clear: We can damn well pick our own strawberries and be far better off for it. TELL SOMEONE you oppose illegal immigration and they will respond reflexively with something like: “but we need illegal immigrants to do jobs Americans…
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MICHIGAN RESIDENTS lost their right to farm this week because of a new ruling by the Michigan Commission of Agriculture and Rural Development. Gail Philburn of the Michigan Sierra Club told Michigan Live, the new changes “effectively remove Right to Farm Act protection for many urban and suburban…
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A MONSANTO RESEARCH site in France was enveloped recently in heavy flames due to a possible arson attack against the company. Two areas dedicated to maize research caught fire with the smell of petrol lingering in nearby hallways and throughout other areas of Monsanto’s building site. Jakob Witten,…
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SCOTLAND says it will ban genetically modified crops on its soil. According to officials, the move will protect the environment. They are also taking advantage of new EU laws, allowing member states to decide whether they want to grow the crops or not. Although the EU imports large quantities of GM…
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ATTENTION all farmers growing GMO crops in Josephine County (if any): Please notify authorities you are growing said crops, in order that you may be penalized if you continue to grow them past Sept. 4. That’s the essence of a public notice due to be published by the county, following voter passage…
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Industrial-scale agribusiness is one of the prices we pay for open borders and the non-White population explosion. RESEARCHERS IN Texas say they’ve located a new route by which drug-resistant bacteria can travel and spread to humans — the air. (ILLUSTRATION: In some cases, drug-resistant…
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