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A Black Official Asks David Sims a Science Question
by David Sims
ON 24 January 2017, Gen. Genesius Mugisha Junior (a Black man living in Fort Portal in western Uganda) asked me (since I write widely on such subjects):
“Hello Mr.David? i would lyk to ask you a question.gravity is a force dat pulls objects towards the earth.what distance should a…

Congoids and Spaceflight
“Congoids and spaceflight” — a combination not too dissimilar from “elephants and ballet.”
by David Sims
THE QUESTION was asked: “In the near future could most countries get space technology — just like most countries now have aircraft technology?”…

Austria: Afghan and Somali Invaders Sought for Rape of 15-Year-Old Girl
This is not a problem for the legal system — detectives figuring out the guilty parties, giving them a fair trial and free attorneys, etc. — no indeed. This is a matter for the military under revolutionary, racial-nationalist command: No one who is not White should be permitted to be in Austria…

The End of the Trail
by Revilo P. Oliver
UNDER THE RUBRIC, “Our Vanishing Cousins,” I discussed Dr. Dian Fossey’s study of the mountain gorillas in Liberty Bell, December 1985. On the twenty-seventh of that month she was murdered.
In a small clearing on the mist-shrouded slope of Mount Visoke, nine…

School Special for Black History Month: Dumb Myths About Slavery
IF YOU’RE OLD, you were taught lies in school and they have become second nature to you. If you’re very young, your mind and sexuality are easily molded by bad people who want to hurt you. Listen up!
There are a lot of bad people in the American educational system who are being forced by a lot…

Do Non-Whites Have an Inherent Distrust of Whites, and Vice Versa?
by David Sims
A QUORA USER ASKED: “I’m an African living in Europe for almost a decade. I find it very easy to get along with different kinds of people but I have this distrust for White people who I’m meeting for the first time. I find myself putting their characters under stricter scrutiny compared…

Abraham Lincoln and Donald Trump
DONALD TRUMP’S claim that the Republican Party is the natural home of Black voters because it is the party of Abraham Lincoln, is a perpetuation of the myth that Lincoln was favorable to the idea of Africans living in America.
In reality, Lincoln wanted the slaves freed — and all Africans deported…

Israel: Jews Say ‘No’ to Africans Entering Israel, But Insist on Africans Entering White Countries
IN SPITE of the “true and undying friendship” with Africa that Israel’s Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu proclaimed on his just ended visit to East Africa, Israel will not accommodate thousands of Africans seeking asylum. (ILLUSTRATION: Benjamin Netanyahu, in Kenya, visits…

The Congoid as Nature Made Him
by Fred Streed
Note by David Sims: I like the implicit Heinlein reference in this piece (which has been slightly edited for a family audience). It’s from Heinlein’s book Time Enough for Love, in which the character Lazarus Long advises other members of his family, “Never attempt to teach a pig to sing;…

10,000 Africans Per Week Invade Italy
LAST WEEK at least 10,000 Africans invaded Italy, and since the beginning of the year, nearly 200,000 have landed in Europe via the Mediterranean coastline, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has announced.
According to an IOM press release, an “estimated” 194,611 invaders entered…