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The author of the Hoover Institution piece excerpted below never mentions it, but the main force pushing policies which suppress White births — and open the gates of Europe to non-White invaders — is the Jewish power structure. Allowing Jews to control your media and your policies is like
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Hundreds of African migrants gathered on the Mexican side of the bridge that separates Laredo, Texas, from Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, on Monday. A LARGE GROUP of African migrants gathered on the south side of the Laredo Port of Entry to protest U.S. immigration policies that are keeping them from entering…
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David SimsEssaysVideo

by David Sims WHY DO Africans confuse astronomy with spaceflight? A telescope is not a spaceship. You would use a telescope to look at something in space. But a spaceship carries you into space so that you can get close to what telescopes can only look at. It takes more intelligence to fly in space than it…
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Why, this “White genocide” idea is nothing but an anti-Semitic conspiracy theo– THE Economist, owned by the Rothschilds, has always been at the forefront of globalism. Back in the early days of mass migration, it mocked those, such as Cyril Osborne, who warned that the population…
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According to the New York Times, “between 2000 and 2010, the number of black African immigrants in the United States about doubled, to around one million,” and “more black Africans arrived in this country on their own than were imported directly to North America during the more
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AFRICAN INVADERS pretending to be refugees have seized more than 100 buildings in Rome and are illegally squatting in them, the populist mayor of Rome, Virginia Raggi, has admitted in the wake of recent riots, carried out by sub-Saharans who had been living in Italy for the past five years. Raggi added…
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THE MAGIC SOIL of El-France will convert even the most savage African monster into a good little worker and spender. The best part is we don’t even have to do anything; they’ll just miracle themselves into deeply suntanned Whites and they certainly won’t be eating any faces. As anyone…
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I’VE MENTIONED BEFORE that from an evolutionary perspective it is not the most intelligent who survive, but the least deluded. Intelligence and a deficit of delusion are not entirely exclusive concepts, as without an advanced capability to learn we might still be wallowing in our own filth …
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TODAY WE’RE GOING to stare right into the horrific abyss of “racism,” defined as wanting to be with your own kind and not wildly incompatible religious, cultural, and genetic outsiders. What you are about to hear is so shocking, intolerant and downright vile your may find yourself…
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Try to ignore the remaining vestiges of liberalism and Christianity in this young woman’s essay, and read it for the insights she shares on the vastly different nature of the African mentality (which she sometimes mistakenly attributes to Islam). by Karin McQuillan THREE WEEKS AFTER college,…
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