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Jewish Madison Avenue Makes Most White Males Disappear
by Mike Summer THE near-total disappearance of White males (except for racemixers or perverts) in visual advertising and related areas is a stunning development and simply can’t be missed. An unfortunate error is that far too many pro-White writers are now directly blaming Blacks for their visual…

Madison Avenue, or The Anti-White Agenda of Jewish Ad Agencies
by Thomas Goodrich WHILE ISRAEL sits nice and comfy behind its wall, Jewish enablers have been pushing White genocide via replacement with hordes of darks flooding the Euro nations of earth. Now, while this program has been in place since the end of WWII, Jews are currently ramping up their attacks against…

France: “White Sexual Predators and Brown Saviors” Propaganda
HERE ARE TWO of the ads from a new French government propaganda initiative aimed at tackling sexual harassment: “Reacting can change everything.” Now anyone who has ever watched even a small selection of the many real life films women have made showing themselves being sexually harassed on the street…

“Modify the Standards of the In-group”
On Jews and Mass Communications by Andrew Joyce
To be successful, mass propaganda on the behalf of out-groups would have to modify the standards of the in-group. (Samuel H. Flowerman, Mass Propaganda in the War Against Bigotry, 1947.[1])
“THE WHOLE STORY is transparently barmy.” This is what Guardian…

Facebook Advertisers can Exclude Racial Groups in Housing Ads
All the double-talk about “bad actors” is just a cover for what amounts to this: The government and mass media and Facebook all agree; it is fine for Blacks, Jews, and others to use advertising targeted toward members of their own race — but it is forbidden, even criminal, for Whites…

Do Whites Have a Right to Exist?
by H. Millard THE ANSWER is that of course we have a right to exist. We have that right because we do exist. No person or group of people or nations or religions or anyone or anything else has a right to give us our right to exist or to take it from us. But it takes effort to continue to exist White. In Nature, the…

“Citizen Super PAC” Releases Video Rehabilitating Hitler and Goebbels
by Hadding Scott WHY DO I SAY that this video rehabilitates Hitler and Goebbels? Because it is not going to hurt Trump. The people who already support Trump — which is now the majority of Republicans — will find this video to be an attack on themselves as much as an attack on Trump. If Trump behaves…

What Makes a Hater?
What makes some people hate those who speak honestly about race? by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured) A HUGE VOLUME of e-mail flows into the National Office from people all over the world who are responding to our message, primarily our weekly radio broadcasts. Evelyn Hill weeds out the illiterate, incoherent,…