Posts Tagged

Adolf Hitler

Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce DESPITE THE ENORMOUS DESTRUCTION and loss of life – and, more importantly, the loss in average biological quality of life — in the First World War, the second quarter of the century saw another spurt of racial progress. Great strides forward in the race’s understanding…
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Douglas MercerEssays

by Douglas Mercer COMING UPON Hitler’s account of his awakening to the Jewish Question is astonishingly like reading the best and most eloquent dissident right Twitter accounts today; it’s startling how many of the same themes are adumbrated, the same patterns seen, the same ideas expressed, the…
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Classic EssaysExtracts

by George Lincoln Rockwell WE BELIEVE THAT Adolf Hitler was the gift of an inscrutable Providence to a world on the brink of Jewish-Bolshevik catastrophe, and that only the blazing Spirit of this heroic man can give us the strength and inspiration to rise, from the depths of persecution and hatred, to…
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Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

Adolf Hitler’s painting of the Munich Opera House A review of Billy Price’s Adolf Hitler: the Unknown Artist
by Revilo P. Oliver WHEN YAHWEH’S Master Race began to prepare the Aryan boobs in the United States for eventual use as a horde of crazed cattle, stampeded into Europe to consummate…
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by Martin Kerr ON SEPTEMBER 8, 1934, Adolf Hitler addressed the National Socialist Women’s League (Nationalsozialistische Frauenschaft, abbreviated NS-Frauenschaft or NSF). This was the women’s wing of the National Socialist movement. The overall topic of his speech was the role of women in the…
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David SimsEssays

This is a French translation of one of David Sims’ pieces on Hitler and the Holocaust. Since this article may eventually be censored in Europe, we will publish it here on NV. Thanks to Front National Suisse for the translation. par David Sims dans National Vanguard English version: Hitler and…
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Classic EssaysGuest opinion

Matt Koehl Nowhere has the National Socialist position been more distorted and misconstrued than in the field of race relations. Not only has this poisoned the well of public discourse and prevented meaningful dialogue and understanding, but by creating a climate of falsehood and deceit, it has encouraged
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On the 133rd anniversary of his birth, today we offer some seldom-seen statements made regarding Adolf Hitler, the first great leader of National Socialism. “I SHOULD LIKE to put it on record that I have never been able to dislike Adolf Hitler… The fact is that there is something deeply…
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Classic Essays

OVER AGAINST ALL this, the völkisch concept of the world recognizes that the primordial racial elements are of the greatest significance for mankind. In principle, the State is looked upon only as a means to an end and this end is the conservation of the racial characteristics of mankind. Therefore…
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Classic Essays

OSWALD SPENGLER (1880-1936) was a German philosopher and historian. He is best known for his magnum opus, The Decline of the West, the first volume of which was published in 1918 and the second in 1923. Spengler’s core thesis is that civilizations are like biological organisms: they are born, they…
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