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Virus Scam Extraordinaire: The ADL Wants its $60 Billion Cut
ADL boss Jonathan Greenblatt WHEN I think of “essential” workers in America, the smear merchants of the Anti-Defamation League are at the bottom of the barrel. For decades, they’ve demonized racially-conscious Whites as agents of “hate” and treated our very existence as “incitements to violence.”…
ADL Staffer Appointed Head of Office for The Prevention of Hate Crimes in NYC
by John Friend IN YET ANOTHER display of Jewish privilege, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio recently announced that a former ADL staffer and professional Jewish ethnic activist named Deborah Lauter will be the first head of the newly created Office for the Prevention of Hate Crimes, a specially created…
The FBI, the ADL, and Christina Long
by Dr. William L. Pierce WE NEED A GOVERNMENT. Every civilized nation needs a government. Certainly, there are independent people who just want to live out in the woods by themselves and not be bothered. They don’t need a government.
And there are weepy, wimpy, liberal types who whine, “Oh,…
Big Tech Oligarchs’ Best Tool for Censoring the Internet: The Jewish ADL
ADL boss Jonathan Greenblatt The so-called “Anti-Defamation League,” like every Jewish interest group, doesn’t practice what it preaches. In fact, the ADL under CEO Johnathan Greenblatt is one of the main organizations working to defame its political enemies and to censor …
The New Extremists
Robert Mueller gives the keynote address at a meeting of some high-minded civic organization or other. by Dr. William L. Pierce I’VE BEEN THINKING more about the things we discussed last week. I tried to tie several very important threads together, each of which could have used much more discussion…
Jewish Hate, the Media, and the ADL
Oren Segal, director of the Anti-Defamation League’s “Center on Extremism” by Dr. William L. Pierce (2002) LAST WEEK I mentioned that a record company I own, Resistance Records, was attacked in an hour-long special TV program on one of Sumner Redstone’s music television channels,…
Transparent Lies and Word-Tricks Used to Demonize and Criminalize Whites
FBI Director Christopher Wray awards Anita Gray, the regional director of the Anti-Defamation League of Cleveland with the FBI’s 2018 “Community Leadership Award,” saying, “She is a leader in the fight against anti-Semitism and is an unyielding force in the battle against…
Remaking the World
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 22 June, 2019 by Kevin Alfred Strom 2019-0622 Remaking the World.mp3 THIS WEEK my name was in the news worldwide. The vaguely leftist actor John Cusack retweeted my quote about learning who rules over you…
The Time Has Come
The ADL’s Brittan Heller American Dissident Voices broadcast of 8 June, 2019 by Kevin Alfred Strom 2019-0608 The Time Has Come.mp3 IN 1968, the far left, led by Jews, was openly waving Communist flags on American streets, committing innumerable…
According to the ADL, This is What a “Right-Wing Extremist” Looks Like
THE ADL has always had an intimate relationship with murder. The organisation was founded, in part, to honour the memory of Jewish rapist and murderer Leo Frank, who was brought to justice by a mob of ordinary Americans, outraged that Frank’s powerful friends had secured commutation of the death sentence…