The Extermination Flag
The Extermination Flag now flies over every major city of the United States. Here we see it on top of Seattle’s Space Needle. Seattle — and America — was a very different place indeed when Kevin Alfred Strom, the author of this piece, visited the Space Needle in 1962. The main reason…

Gender Dysphoria and Politically Induced Delusions
Defeating the Jewish power structure will bring healthier times. Support the National Alliance. by David Sims GENDER DYSPHORIA IS A mental disorder that afflicts one person in 10,000, beginning in childhood. It’s rare. Of children (mostly boys) who actually do have gender dysphoria, most…

The Jewish War on Children
Good values can be taught to our children; the great example of National Socialist Germany should be an inspiration to us all: A German boy listens to the radio. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 1 April, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom MY SIXTH CHILD is due to be born this summer. I have some experience…

Meeting the Brilliant Minds at Mensa South (Not)
by H. Peary WHEN PEOPLE HERE IN THE SOUTH ask me or my wife why we came here, I give them a few reasons (escaping the anti-White insanity of the Pacific Northwest is one), but they never say anything in reply. I guess they don’t believe me. So to meet some local people, I re-joined Mensa, the supposedly high-IQ…

“Woke” Jesus
One of the posters for “Racial Justice Sunday” by Douglas Mercer ACCORDING TO SOME RECENT interpretations, that Jesus fellow was one swinging Jew. He got around, all right: He was a shuffling Negro shucking and jiving while flashing a toothy grin; he was a slant-eyed East Asian; he was…

Inspiration, Consciousness, Hope
National Alliance Love Your Race fliers and other printed materials prepared for public distribution American Dissident Voices broadcast of 4 March, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom
https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV-2023-0304---Inspiration-Consciousness-Hope.mp3 IN SAINT…

Reality Will Out: Scott Adams and You
Adams and his most famous creation American Dissident Voices broadcast of 25 February, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV-2023-0225---Reality-Will-Out--Scott-Adams-and-You.mp3 I’VE BEEN FOLLOWING Scott Adams for quite a few years. I always…

L’industrie du porno en tant qu’activisme antifasciste juif et terrorisme culturel
Greg Lansky et “The Wailing Wall” NOTE: This is a French translation with addenda of Kenneth Vinther’s essay on the Jewish role in the field of pornography. Since this article can no longer be published in France with any assurance that it will stay online or that, if it does, the publishers…

Pornography as Jewish Activism and Terrorism, part 2
portrait of Jewish charlatan Sigmund Freud Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 by Kenneth Vinther Sexual Revolution as a Jewish Defense Against “Anti-Semitism” A BRIEF EXAMINATION OF THE intellectual origins of the sexual revolution reveals a discernible trend of prominent Jewish radicals exhibiting…

“American Girl” Company Purchased by Jews, Now Advises “Gender Switching”
This is what Jewish publishers provide for our children: the opening part of the “Gender Joy” chapter of American Girl’s Body Image SCATHING REVIEWS ARE POURING into the American Girl Web site and Amazon, and social media users are blasting the popular doll brand for a book released…