Jesus Was a Refugee
St Mary Redcliffe Church has replaced their 100-year-old Edward Colston stained glass window with a depiction of a Brown invader Jesus picking up other non-Whites in a migrant boat, along with, in other panels, Black anti-White protesters, a happy multi-racial crowd, and a wildly misread reference…

WLP89: Racial Fitness and Survival
William Pierce, c. 1990 In honor of the 89th anniversary of William Luther Pierce’s birth on 11 September 1933. by Dr. William L. Pierce DURING THE LAST SEVERAL years, I have reported on crimes committed against our people, which have been covered up deliberately by the controlled news media so that…

UK: Top Jobs in Truss Government Given to Non-Whites
Liz Truss meeting the Queen at Balmoral before taking office as Prime Minister AS EXPECTED THROUGHOUT the pointless Conservative Party ‘leadership contest’ of the past month, Liz Truss has today succeeded Boris Johnson as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and is engaged in forming her first Cabinet.…

Illegal Law
New Mexico’s Chief Justice Shannon Bacon by Douglas Mercer THERE HAVE BEEN ALL sorts of milestones in the invasion of our country — letting them attend our schools, giving them driver’s licenses, giving out so-called birthright citizenship, shielding them from the law by means…

English Soccer and What Others Cannot See
by Douglas Mercer WHEN, BACK IN 1968, Enoch Powell said that in the not-too-distant future the Blacks in England would have the whip hand, the most typical response (other than hysterical meltdowns) was that he was being “alarmist.” Turns out he may have understated the case. There won’t…

Peaceful Neighborhoods Are Racist
Faribault, Minnesota by Douglas Mercer IT’S SAID that in 2020 Trump pandered to the Negroes and the Mestizos, but not to Whites. He certainly did the former in the most craven way imaginable, but it’s not altogether true that he didn’t talk to the Whites. He certainly didn’t…

The Jewish Hand in World War Three
Despite the trappings, Zelensky is no more Ukrainian than my cat. Free speech versus catastrophe by Thomas Dalton, PhD. THANKS TO THE ONGOING conflict in Ukraine, we indeed seem to be rushing headlong into a major war—possibly a World War Three, possibly the world’s first (and perhaps last) nuclear…

The Nation Which Dares Not Speak its Name
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 26 March, 2022 by Kevin Alfred Strom
https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV-2022-0326---The-Nation-that-Dares-Not-Speak-its-Name.mp3 JUST THIS WEEK a Black female nominated to serve on the Washington regime’s “Supreme…

America after the Holy War, part 2
read part 1 by Revilo P. Oliver BOTH BRITISH AND Americans have always claimed to be humane and have loudly condemned unnecessary bloodshed, mass massacres, and sadistic delight in the infliction of pain, although one must now wonder whether those fine sentiments extend to members of their own race…

Solstice 2021: Who We Really Are
Based on an American Dissident Voices broadcast by Kevin Alfred Strom https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV 2019-1221 – Solstice 2019 – Who We Really Are.mp3 Victor on his second hike TODAY IS the Winter Solstice, a sacred time for our people. Since I last presented today’s…