White Racial-Nationalism contra Imperialism
Contrary to the current anti-White narrative, racial-nationalism formed a significant opposition to American empire-builders, more than once preventing the incorporation of territories with large non-White populations into the United States. WITH REGARD to historical explanation, racial…

Jews Turn Disney Into Engine of Hate
TAKE OFF the Mouse ears. It’s okay to say goodbye to Mickey. The Walt Disney who interviewed Wehrner Von Braun in the 1950s, compelling America to go to the stars, is dead. Where once the heavens were the goal of Walt Disney, now his namesake is entirely dedicated to the advancement of anti-whiteness in…

Building Volkish Networks
“A SMALL NUMBER of dedicated folks can pool resources. If they wanted to buy physical space in the form of a business, land, or other useful assets it would be enough for say, three guys working two jobs each (for a length of time but not permanently) to save up money. Find a method of passive income, and from…

A Program for Survival
by Dr. William L. Pierce THERE ARE TWO things fundamental to every society: the quality of its human stock — that is, the vitality, intelligence, creativity, courage, and will of its people and the values which guide it. One may be tempted to reduce these two fundamentals to a single determinant — namely,…

Solstice 2019: Who We Really Are
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 21 December, 2019 by Kevin Alfred Strom https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV 2019-1221 – Solstice 2019 – Who We Really Are.mp3 TODAY IS the Winter Solstice, a sacred time for our people. Since I last presented today’s particular…

Is There Intelligent Life on Earth? (part 9)
Triumph of Daedalus Over Fate and Futility (2017) by Bryan Larsen (bryanlarsen.com) by Revilo P. Oliver Superstition Springs Eternal PLUS ça change, plus c’est la même chose. “New Presbyter is but old Priest writ large.” It is human nature that is meant in the familiar Horatian tag, naturam expelles…

Liberty and How to Get It
American Dissident Voices broadcast of August 25, 2018
https://nationalvanguard.org/audio/ADV%202014-0201.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom LIBERTARIANISM is a tempting philosophy for White Americans who are disgusted by what their government has become. Libertarians vary somewhat in their perspectives,…

Loyalty, Deserved and Undeserved, part 2
American Dissident Voices broadcast of August 18, 2018 https://nationalvanguard.org/audio/ADV%202014-0125.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom ONE OF THE WAYS that the Jews and multiracialists got South Africans to surrender their independence and freedom — and abandon their Apartheid system…

Lack-of-Independence Day
American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 5, 2014 https://nationalvanguard.org/audio/ADV%202014-0705llm.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY. I’m a positive person, and there is hope, so I kept the “happy” in there — even though there’s a lot…

Who’s Really the Extremist? – On the Insanity of Today’s Overton Window
This is the text of F. Roger Devlin’s talk delivered at the third meeting of the Scandza Forum in Stockholm on April 7, 2018 and at the first Awakening Conference in Helsinki on April 8, 2018. Toward the New Mainstream by F. Roger Devlin We supporters of the nationalist cause are the spokesmen for certain…